Source Code

Come to section 127

Code amongst male homosexuals indicating a particular type of activity that will take place once the two individuals meet up. In this case, reciprocal penis/anus penetration.

Hey bro, when you get here, come to section 127 and after you do me up my butt I’ll do you up yours.

by BobbyInTheKnow July 31, 2022

I didn't come down in the last shower

Australian slang, meaning I'm wise to your game, or don't play me for a fool. This is a slang term not heard often in the regional centres, but reasonably common among the old blokes in smaller townships.

Davo(upon hearing something incredulous): carn mate, I didn't come down in the last shower!

by kingofspin March 12, 2020

3👍 1👎

So, baby, come light me up

‘So, baby, come light me up’ is a line from Ariana Grande’s song, ‘Into You’, that was released in 2016 as part of her ‘Dangerous Woman’ album.

The iconic line is the first line of ‘Into You’’s chorus.
‘So, baby, come light me up
and, baby, I’ll let you on it.
A little bit dangerous,
but baby that’s how I want it.’

1: I love the chorus of ‘Into You’ by Ariana Grande, man!
2: Yeah! It’s so catchy. ‘So, baby, come light me up, and baby I’ll let you on it…’

by MrPatch December 22, 2023

A come up

“Come up” is a term used to describe something you literally, “come upon,” or find virtuously. It is also used to mean something that helps someone “come up” to the next level, like a rad

pair of shoes or a fur coat or a bargain

One man's trash, that's another man's a come up

by Shemesh December 3, 2019

til the skin come off

Used in a inappropriate way; means to suck dick so hard the skin comes off

i’ll suck it til the skin come off

by kyttt April 15, 2023

come on jóts

come on joto..as in come on fag....you say it when someones talkin an it sounds like a lie...or you just don't feel like listenin to they ass

junior- aye bro..i finally split with my chick...i don't love that hoe...
me- come on jóts..everyone knows your sprung doans on that bitch..

by woohdehz August 30, 2007

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

It's used when you say something important but that not many people consider or even think about.

thomas sharpe from crimson peak is one of tom hiddleston’s best characters please appreciate him and thanks for coming to my ted talk

by Linient May 31, 2018