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Odorama scratch and sniff cards

These are large scratch and sniff cards that were given out for free at screenings. Of John waters 1981 film "polyester". The idea is simple: the card has about 20-25 numbered icons each corresponding with a smell in the movie. When the number is flashed on the screen you simply scratch the corresponding icon. Odors included soiled tennis shoes.vomit.dog poo stinky farts........ you get the idea!


Legit I literally have 2 mint condition never been used odorama scratch and sniff cards!

by 4realazitgits March 25, 2021

limpy card

limpy is a term of consent, if you give someone a limpy card, you essentially just saying, hey do whatever you want with me and my body I
don't care.

Hey I love you soo much, can I have your limpy card??

by Duckyioi May 14, 2023

Card Roulette

Card roulette. Usually played at restaurants, shopping centres, or supermarkets where a group of 2+ people cannot choose who has to pay, instead of quarrelling they ask the waiter/waitress, person behind the counter etc to pick a card, whoever’s card is picked has to pay.

I don’t want to pay either! Why don’t we just do card roulette?”

by definitionzzzz February 26, 2020

Face Card

A 100 dollar bill

Mandem 1: Fam how much were your kicks bro?
Mandem 2: A Face Card and a half
Mandem 2: 150?
Mandem 1: yup

by WeeB_SpamzzZ December 18, 2019

Face card

A face so beautiful it can be used instead of a credit or debit card to pay for things.

Jennie Ruby Jane has an expensive face card that never declines.

by Jnkfan July 1, 2024

Face Card

American Expressplatinum or Gold” credit cards.

popularized on social media as “face card never declines” hence the fact that American Express credit cards are elite credit cards, and tend to never decline.

That was expensive! Its okay face card never declines.

by Anonymous 2671 January 23, 2024

Face card

When someone is objectively beautiful and the rest of us peasants are subjectively beautiful.

Eg: This actress is so hot she not only has a face card but a face economy.

by Dephazz85 March 10, 2024