Look at that Bitch she's such a daniel what the fuck
Most often a woman but sometimes a douchey dude that is a chicken shit punk..
He/she talks behind ones back,steals credit for things he didn’t do,has no talent and more likely than not....a small penis.
His mommy probably pays his way into being socially accepted. A Bitch will never really be a friend cause all they care about is how they look to lots of people from a distance. A bitch also has zero emotional depth,and thinks it’s cool to fuck a girl with a jack daniels bottle.
Jeremy: hey,is it true that Kyle took the money you got paid for all the songs you wrote and recorded and bought himself a bunch of shit that you could use way more than him???
Chris: yea, Kyle is a bitch
And you're a deformed hack who's objectively less funny than me and you cast away your entire friend group because youre afraid of your pedophile God.
Hym "I may be a bitch but I'm not that 👆"