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May 2

show your nudes on ft ;)

May 2 is nude day its so butiful

by sexdays May 2, 2021

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The action of using a second Kleenex to clean semen after masturbation.

Kyle: "Man that was a big load, I need to 2-ply that bitch."

by skr33ch96 October 24, 2014

13πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

2 seconds

When somebody is doing something undesirable or acting like an idiot they have 2 seconds to stop what they are doing. Commonly used along with "Yoo K".

You: "Jakie, get off the comp."
Jackie: "I can't I'm running MC"
You: "Yoo K, 2 seconds...."

by Pants69 February 19, 2007

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


too easy. internet gamer slang used at the end of a match to gloat a win.

Player1: gg
Player2: gg
Me: 2.e

by Ryan.Nixon July 1, 2009

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Bro that’s a time

Someone:hey it’s 2:04
Someone else:ok?

by March 27, 2022

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ecto 2

The ecto 2 or also reffered as ecto-copter is the second vehicle used by the ghostbusters in the animated serie called The real ghostbusters then rebaptised Slimer and the real ghostbusters .

The ecto 2 is capable of carrying 1 passenger and the pilot , it has 2 folding wings , and a hitch cable and is noted to be capable to fit in the back of the ecto 1 once folded .

There is no known real life working ecto 2 the closest thing available is the ecto 2 toy from Kenner .

ecto 2 is a portable helicopter .

ecto 2 fits in the back of the ecto 1 in the animated series .

ecto 2 is not seen in any of the two ghostbusters movies .

by P.A. 037 February 5, 2010

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Built by EMD (electro motive division) from 1972 to 1989. Powered by a 3,000 horsepower EMD 16-645E3 engine. It is one of the best diesel locomotives ever built.

Samson: Gene bud, did ya see that fackin ONR train last night?
Gene: yeah dude! Fuckin ONR SD40-2 1734 was leading that cunt.

by DDiesel_8v92 March 1, 2022

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