Source Code

security area 10

codeword from bar-room speak, means : 'watch out, there's a hot person entering the bar!' .

bartender: security area 10, here comes a stunner! .

by hytham_hammer July 14, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

What's 9+10?

The joke 9+10 you're should said 21

What's 9+10?

by missing man April 3, 2017

20๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Internet Explorer 10

The newest web browser by Microsoft, that will ship on Windows 8, and will be faster than Google Chrome, which is faster than Internet Explorer 9, which is faster than Firefox, which is faster than Opera, which is faster than a turtle, which is faster than Safari, which is faster than Internet Explorer 6.

Internet Explorer will not likely be used by many "geeks" because they will download Chrome thinking that IE 10 is somehow the same as IE 6.

Guy 1: Hey, is that IE 10? ur such a fag!!!!1!!1!!11!!

Guy 2: Actually, IE 9 was actually pretty nice, and Internet Explorer 10 will be the fastest browser avaliable.

Guy 1: lol, fag, thats gay like IE6, lol, hurrr

by cOOlaide117 September 7, 2012

21๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hands at 10 and 2

While slow dancing or hugging someone your hands are positioned at their shoulders.

Guy: Hey do you want to dance??
Girl: Ok but keep your hands at 10 and 2

by bosoxfan1990 July 3, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

10 degrees of rape

if you ever get raped by your friends or by anyone all you have to do is refere to this list to tell how you were raped.

1st - penis to vag
2nd - oral
3rd - anal
4th - rape through clothes where they are to lazy to take off your clothes and rape you through holes they have made
5th - gay rape
6th - wape (weanus and wagina aka your elbow and the inside of your elbow)

7th - rape by association
8th - rape with the family
9th - beastiality (one with animals and such)
10th - rape with chains and whips

Chase: Teeyona, shrooms i got raped today
Teeyona: Im sorry
Shrooms: Which degree??
Chase umm i dont know
Teeyona: How did you get raped?
Chase: I still had my clothes on and it was from behind it made me sad D:
Shrooms: Oh thats the thrid and uhhhh
Teeyona: the fourth and possibly the 5th too
Chase: how do you know this
Teeyona and Shrooms: we studied the 10 degrees of rape in college last years duh!

by teeenana December 10, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

1-10 scale

This is mostly used to determined the level of attractiveness of a woman but can be used on a man or an object. 1 meaning absolutely foul and 10 meaning pure lush.

I saw a foul looking girl today, I'd say she was a 3 at the most.

This food is proper stunning, it's a 10 at the least

Mate: what do you think of that lad
Girl: he's alright, he's like a 4 maybe a 5

Mate on the 1-10 scale she is most definitely an 10

by PepsiBottle September 2, 2016

10๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

10 yr plan

Someone who plans to graduate from their local community college in 10 yrs or more. Ironic due to community college's only being 2 yr schools.

Yeah, I am on the 10 yr plan at -insert community college name-. I've already been there 3 years.. only 7 more to go!!

by keepitloki June 16, 2006

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž