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monkey wank

1. A situation note entirely going the desired way.

2. Of something which is totally useless.

As the chief engineer watched the new bridge come crashing down on its first opening plunging 100 cars and occupents into the river below, he was heard to comment "This is turning into a pile of stale monkey wank"

by Norbert Colon October 15, 2004

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point and wank

The type of user interface that is proliferated by operating systems such as windoze.

Typically, this abstracts all configuration of a piece of software to a series of clicks in a pop-up dialog box.

I run Linux, because I like being able to hack my config files about easily. With windoze it's all point and wank.

by monkey69 April 17, 2007

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Piggy Wank

When you believe box tastes like coins so when you masterbate you suck on coins of various sizes

I had a piggy wank last night. Those coins taste so good

by Rufous May 13, 2015

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The infinity-wank is when you wank to a video of yourself wanking, then film it.

Then you can watch that video so you would be pleasuring yourself while watching yourself pleasure yourself.

You are free to choose how many layers deep you go. That's one of the rights afforded to you as a human and truly is the joy of the infinity-wank.

I'm really pleased with my new camera, it makes it really easy to do the infinity-wank

by Stjube January 21, 2014

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soapy wank

A Jack and Seven as your hole cards in a hand of Texas Hold 'em Poker.

With two 7's and a Jack on the flop and a Soapy Wank in the hand I had a full house.

by Poker December 28, 2005

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base wank

were a girl only wanks off the base the penis.
a man doesn't get as much pleasure as when completely wanked or head/bell wanked.

i couldn't come at all from that hand job, total base wank

by joshuag21 June 7, 2011

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Wanking the rhino

Rubbing a family heirloom to bring a specific instance of good luck to another person, e.g. for an exam or driving test.

I had a tough exam today but my sister was wanking the rhino so it should be OK.

I'm in court tomorrow so I'll ask my mum to wank the rhino.

by spiraldrain August 21, 2010

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