Source Code


the ability of an unlocked iPhone to dial it's address book randomly when activated by pressure in your rear pocket.

'Dude, you called me, like, three times last night...'.

'Yeah, sorry man, my iPhone was ass-dialling'.

by P-Dew May 24, 2009

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ass flavored

An object or scenario that is unwanted or disliked.

Person 1: I wanted to do the dutch rudder at work, but nobody would help me out.
Person 2: Ah, sorry, dude. That's ass flavored. I'll help you now.

by CrapIceberg May 3, 2011

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Springtime Ass

The result of girls shedding most of their winter clothing in order to maximize their visible ASSets. This is directly related to the sudden change of temperature from cold to warm in the Spring, and is a popular occurrence on college campuses.

Ryan: "I had no idea Chanel had such a rockin' body under those sweats!"

Corey: "Yeah man, I always thought she was hiding a penis, but Springtime Ass proved me wrong!"

by trips145 April 11, 2011

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ass critter

A small animal or child of extreme annoyance.

Manzo's god damn ferrets are major ass critters.

by MPC November 3, 2003

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ass licked

When something is kicking your ass, but you like it.

"Bro, im getting my ass licked by elden ring right now. malenia is destroying me, not in a sexual way."
"bro why did you specify that? and doesn't her boots have individual toes?"

by JupiterCoyote July 6, 2022

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Auditor's Ass

This term is referred public auditors who gained a huge ass due to their countless hours sitting on their ass doing their work.

Auditor A: Damn, I feel like my ass is getting bigger through the busy season.

Auditor B: Ha! You've just got yourself a nice auditor's ass!

by NoMoreAudit February 18, 2010

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Ass Marangue

An ASS MARANGUE is a sizeable amount of fecal matter pasted, squated, crapped out for whatever unsanitary reason all about the posterior effectively filling in the ass crack having the appearance of a large chocolate cake having been smashed against a person's butt.

When the doctor had Cess Pool Jimmy pull down his underwear for a rectal examination Jimmy's slowly peeled away his shorts exposing a huge ass marangue smeared all over Jimmy's rear end much to the doctor's surprize.

by Swanie River January 5, 2008

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