A rapid onset of sneezing that is uncontrollable. The disease SIDS causes people to have frequent SIDS attacks. In order for rapid sneezing to qualify as a SIDS attack, you must sneeze at minimum 4 within 30 seconds of each other.
Saul: Please go blow your nose and stop sneezing.
Ryan: I can't control it, I am having another SIDS attack!
Standard method of death for people that work too many hours because they make all there money in OT pay, people Power Plant Workers, Cops etc.
"Hey you hear about John ? He tried to work 72 hours straight to rack up some OT and when his shift was over he dropped dead of a Parking Lot Heart Attack"
A discord commonplace post used to insult the target by calling them gay typically in the form of an image.
If they unsuccessfully parry the insult the are permanently dubbed gay until being cured.
Guy 1: "posts Gru Gay attack @Guy2#0001"
Guy 2: "Well frick. I can't think of any way to parry that. I guess I'm gay now."
Guy 1: "Lel. Such a gerdon."
a term that invented by Turks for describing a situation where someone feels kinda a sudden episode of physical and emotional reactions when he or she see a threat about the separation of belief and state. A secular attack can also happen when a person is exposed to a different belief system than their own, or when they feel threatened by the loss of their identity or influence.
- Hey, Don't eat with left, it is a sin.
- Please stop, I am having a secular attack, right now.
After Political figure actions and comments that violated women's rights, the Whole country had a secular attack and response with pictures and videos of Atatürk (Symbol of enlightenment in Türkiye)
A panic attack you get at a piano recital after your mom beats you for not playing the piano perfectly
I messed up at my piano recital and had a pianic attack
A Status Attack is constituted by 15 unrepeated comments by one or more people on a persons Facebook status.
Holy crap is my ass sore from that status attack!
A Grime/Punk influenced duo consisting of members Jessia Wells and Christi Dolezal.
They LIve in the San Francisco Bay Area. they hella hella deaf and shit.
daymn dunkadelic rack-attack stinks hella good.