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jenna words

Words that are overly simple and often times, are made up on the spot. Includes words such as "re-say" (instead of repeat) and the constant use of the word "stupid" (instead of coming up with a different insult).

The opposite of taylor words.

Jenna: "Can you re-say that?"
Taylor: "That's such a jenna word!"
Jenna: "You're stupid!"
Christine: "Another jenna word!"
Jenna: "I do not use jenna words!!!!"

by Taylor/Christine January 29, 2008

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Word mixing

The act of combining two random words in hopes of having Urban Dictionary publish that newly made up word and thus having their Urban Dictions five minutes of fame.

The two most recent UD 'words of the day' are both efforts of someone word mixing. Those words: Prostiboots. Drafternoon.

by diegodiegodiego February 8, 2009

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Word eater

Someone who abbreviates words to no end.

Word eater- "OMG you are totes retar, I heard about that yesters! P-Hil sooo didn't text the Brown."
Girl- "Okaaayyy?"

by TheOneWithYourHeart August 28, 2010

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m word

A censored way of saying masturbation. Often used by twitter accounts that don't want to be flagged or generally anyone uncomfortable with saying masturbation/masturbate.

I wanted to m word last night but my dog kept walking into my room.

by Confusedd November 17, 2020

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The President was so mad about being accused of a cover-up he couldn't say the "I-word".

by mlhiss May 23, 2019

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word rapist

somebody who has a comeback for everything

that guy is such a word rapist; he always has a comeback for everything

by tribefan258 July 26, 2009

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Words with Friendship

An invitation to play the popular iPhone game "Words with Friends" which may appear to as an advancement in your relationship with the other person.

Jessica: Ugh I just got a Words with Friends invite from Joey...
Ashley: Are you ready for that kind of relationship?
Jessica: No it's too soon. I don't think I'm ready for a Words with Friendship

by Adolf "Jesus" Hitler May 26, 2011

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