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black people time

(n) a system of time that is offset to make black people consistently late by aprox 30 minutes. the timezone and numerical values for the time are the same but the execution of appointments is such that black people seem to exist in a parallel world that is always behind everyone else.

I told jim to be here at 8:00PM EST but he just got her and its 8:30 already. I guess that is because he is on black time. (black time is short for black people time and is used interchangeably)

by THE ORIGINAL Webster September 18, 2008

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People and Culture Consultant

A job in Human Resources but only when it's filled by a good looking woman.

Office Worker 1: Did you see the new woman in our office? She is so hot.
Office Worker 2: Yes, that's Lisle, the People and Culture Consultant.
Office Worker 1: What's a People and Culture Consultant?
Office Worker 2: It's the job everyone has called human resources for hundreds of years but now they've started hiring better looking women so they've come up with a new name for the job.

by FinanceTeam August 9, 2019

greed over people

What the GOP's identity is in the present day. Any person who does what Trump did during his presidency.

Republicans do damage as they die off. It's greed over people.

by The Real Driller November 11, 2021

people dislikeing SHOF


people dislikeing SHOF are idiots

by lanmor2013 August 12, 2023

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orifice people prodders

A group dedicated to persuading, or eliciting a response from people by stimulating an opening of their body such as a nostril or the anus.

Often mistaken for aliens from outer space, the orifice people prodders would continues their relentless assault on the anuses of the the human race.

by Impudicus April 10, 2019

Po-jama people

A group of certain individuals that makes you sleepy with the things/opinioms they might say/have

Originated by Frank Zappa's album "One size fits all"

Man joe's friends are all po-jama people

by Mikirexo November 5, 2021

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People's Republic of Portland

nickname of Portland -- it got the nickname because the city is very liberal.

People's Republic of Portland is located on the Left Coast.

by Jit November 5, 2004

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