Source Code

Code one eight

A code phrase used to describe the presence of a girl that has sex with guys in order to get pregnant and collect child support for the next eighteen years. Can also describe a situation where a guy has potentially impregnated one of these girls.

Code one eight, man. Jessica thinks she’s pregnant and she says she doesn’t want anything to do with me.

by Silverslash January 19, 2019

ReBoot: The Guardian Code

Released in 2018. It’s an absolute shitty reboot of one of the best Canadian cartoons ever made: ReBoot. They took the show and turned it into an animated Live-Action teen drama hybrid, which pissed off a lot of fans of the original cartoon, since they were waiting YEARS and YEARS for the show to make a grand return. The story is bland, unoriginal and doesn’t follow the source material. The characters are also walking one-dimensional faggots, the animation looks inferior compared to OG ReBoot and looks like something you would see in a PS1 title, it doesn’t have enough pop-culture or video game references, and then they borrowed stuff from Tron: Legacy, Code Lyoko and Power Rangers. POWER RANGERS AND CODE LYOKO OF ALL THINGS. What a gigantic clusterfuck, this is how to NOT make a proper return of a beloved CGI-Animated cartoon. It is worse than Dragon Ball Evolution. But hey, Megabyte’s redesign looks alright.

Person: Hey have you seen ReBoot: The Guardian Code yet?

Me: Yeah, it was an absolute shitstorm. The old show is better.

Person: Yeah, I totally agree! The characters and story were uninspiring to say the least.

by NepgearAfficionado July 18, 2022

1👍 1👎

i code

'I code' means I understand you or I got you flow.

Jeff: I can't come out bro, my girl is being crazy.
Botha: it's alright g, I code.

by 21jeff October 25, 2015


A synonym for the term accesswidener, commonly found in Fabric mods.

I just need to find a Code-Dildo to do the job.

by ballsandcta November 20, 2022

Code Miklas

Use code Miklas on Datdrop

Person 1: Hey, did you use code Miklas yet?
Person 2: no, why?
Person 1: just use it

📎 code Miklas on Datdrop

by Miklxss August 26, 2020

Pussy coded

Someone being or doing something in a subtle feminine and fashionable way

“Did you see that gown Sara Lee wore? It was so pussy coded.”

by eccochouchou April 16, 2023

code of cuntduct

A set of rules, written by a narcissistic tyrant with an inferiority complex (usually a 'SJW') for the purpose of bullying others and amplifying it by using 'useful idiots' (normally 'white knights'). Usually stuffed full of prejudice and hate, and enforcing those mindsets. By implying 1. that everything revolves around them, and 2. everything has the worst possible intentions and results. And people must conform to some convoluted rules, lest they be labeled 'literally Hitler's or an equivalent.

This emerged as SJW pushed into online communities of nerds, inexperienced with such tyrants, who were completely steamrolled, in the mistaken belief of it being necessary for social well-being, and not realizing the wolf in sheep’s clothing aspect of it.
SJW of course first emerged in girls whose parents failed to give them confidence and resilience, by overprotecting them to a point where they did not have the chance to learn to protect themselves. Hence the term “cuntduct”, as they were, as a Brit would say, “right cunts!”. Later, instead of fixing the bad parenting on girls, expanded to parenting on boys too; so nowadays it is neutral of sexes. So 'cunt' is meant in the British sense that can be used on truly anyone.

Example 1: “The church’s list of sins was the first code of cuntduct.”

Example 2:
Person 1: “It says in rule 3alpha.7: ‘Usage of the term “butter” is banned, as it is hate-speech used by the patriarchy, to objectify the femayle body, question and insult its perfection, and reduces womyn to sub-human animals. It is to be replaced by “proud*breastsound of tri-tonephysical dropping of a wooden bloxk onto sheet metal”. Furthermore, all users who are caught (man-)*spreading* pasteous foods onto bread, are immediately shadowbanned for toxic sexual harassment.’ ”
Person 2: “Holy shit! It’s not a code of conduct! It’s a code of cuntduct!”

by Evi1M4chine January 4, 2025