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Virgin Mary Syndrome

When a girl is completley convinced that she is pregnant despite there being no possible way that she is because she either hasn't had sex in weeks/months or is still a virgin.

"Is Sarah okay"
"Yeah, she is just having Virgin Mary syndrome."
"Does her boyfriend know?"

by ElephantGirl96 April 3, 2017

Serial Virginity Stealer

A person attracted to virgins, and obsessed with stealing their virginities.

Person 1: Dude did you hear Sam is a virgin?
Person 2: Not for long, hes dating Sarah!
1: Ohtruu shes a Serial virginity stealer! She took Max's, Steven's and Adam's last week!

by SerialVirginityStealer January 6, 2012

Super mega virgin

Somebody who has never masterbated or had any sexual pleasure or touch from another person . This person also never has been kissed or held hands

Mira is a super mega virgin whose couchie has never been touched.

by Ciera September 1, 2022

What a Big Virgin

This Phrase is commonly used when you get shit on in a videogame by a player that is way above your skill level and have no exuce to defend yourself exept of saying "What a Big Virgin" which means that player has no life he plays all day most of the time that isnt true and you need to get good kid

OMG he is so good what a Big virgin that Ali_Senpaiii is

by bigpussyeater69 June 18, 2020

virgin rat fuck

A newcomer to a group/organization who has not yet earned the right to be fully integrated into the group with equal advantages as senior/veteran members.

“Hey, can Bill go to the party tonight?”

“You mean Bill the Virgin Rat Fuck? I don’t think so, he’d be better off hanging out with the other Virgin Rat Fucks”

by Room001 September 16, 2019

de facto virgin

Someone who has only slept with prostitutes. Probably suffers from a lot of social anxiety/social isolation. Not necessarily ugly/fat. Often lives a sheltered existence. In said person's desperation, he sometimes seeks the companionship/instant gratification of hookers.

May as well be a virgin.

Tim has paid for sex but has never had sex with a real girl before.

Tim is a de facto virgin.

by Submitters of Words March 27, 2017

Breaking Comment Virginity

verb To be the first one to comment on a picture/video/status on a social networking website.

Usually people want to be the first person to comment on something that they know will soon have a bunch of comments.

"Friend 1: Hey Friend 2! Did you see that picture that Jen put up of her ass in a thong?

Friend 2: Yeah, she just put it up a few minutes ago. I think I'm going to post something, breaking comment virginity on that picture!"

Luke: Nobody posted on your status that you put up an hour ago. I think ill say something and break the comment virginity.

Obi-Wan: Thanks bro

by Lanceapaluza June 9, 2011