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house music

A type of electronic music with many sub-genres (e.g. hard house, Chicago house, disco house, etc.), generally sharing a dance-able beat. Named "House Music" after The Warehouse club in Chicago where it originated in the early 1980s.

The definition of the word is currently degenerating and being used to describe techno music, mainly by closet homosexual frat boys attempting to usurp the word to cover up the gayness of the reality of their listening to techno music.

"Jack said, let there be house, and house music was born."

by kmace December 2, 2007

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Musical Farts

Like musical chairs, except the one left standing, gets farted on by the other players.

At Jenny's birthday party, we played musical farts, and pin the tail on the Holocaust survivor. It was loads of fun.

by Horatio Cornblower November 21, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

disney music

music for homos. and such.

"Yo man, that sucka was listenin' to disney music. What a homo."

by Mufasa, Father of Simba May 8, 2008

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whether music

music that plays whether you want it to or not. typically heard at a super market, clubs, and even some bars.

alan:what is this crap we're listening to?
rick:whether music.
alan:whether music?
rick:yeah. it plays whether or not we want it to.
alan: what a gay DJ.

by Tyrone Whitman September 29, 2007

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Indie Music

Indie music means Independent Music. If a person makes music which is not non-mainstream and is kinda weird but beautiful, it's called indie music.

I have heard a lot of people mistake Indie for 'Modified Pop'. Let me tell you, it's NOT.

Indie music is beautiful. The harmony can touch your soul whithin minutes. The lyrics makes us feel happy, nostalgic and restless and relaxed at the same time.

It doesn't involve whiney words, emo screaming, and whisper-singing. But it's not always like that. True indie music takes you to another place, somewhere only you can go.

But people do look at things differently. You're not me and I am not you. So true bliss can come in different forms, alright?

But generally, this genre is wonderful. One have to find the royal music on their own. And that's why some Indie Kids hesitate to recommend songs. They are not afraid of others judging their tastes, but they are afraid of people judging their favourite artists.

You see, if you listen to this genre, something will change in you. You will become an elitist, someone who has a better taste and experience than everyone. But you will also feel happy about your life.

And that's the definition of Indie Kids! Not all of us have the Wavy Hair, not all of us have a weird taste in style, not all of us like colourful days.

But it's like a coincidence. Ig.

So yeah you can be indie if you want lol. This is just a genre which can be weird but flamboyant!

Uncle Jeff: Hey, isn't that the kid who said he liked that indie band called One Direction??

Kid 1: Yeah!

Indie kid: One direction is pop, you arses! Indie is non-mainstream! It's not boy-bandish! Indie music is beautiful

by Sparks_inhere April 1, 2022

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Musical penis

Lets all get together and play this new trendy adult game where you switch your mouth on multiple partners every 30 seconds until they cum in our mouth which you and the penis that got off become winners for the round in the game. Sara : that sounds like fun John: It is i am a pro at it Ricardo: really lets have a get together with all of our adult friends Rocky: Is this a challenge George: i wanna play i love games like these i bet i win the 1st round with these lips.

musical penis. A fun group game for adults every 30 seconds you switch to the next man with a different dick and when the man orgasms you shout "musical penis" really loud when you finally get the explosion in your mouth that person is out of the game and the penis that exploded is out too. (Winners) for the round. Keep playing until there is one last person which is the loser. Along with the last penis that has not orgasmed. And then make fun of the last person and the penis that never orgasmed. (By making funny adult, small dick ,blow job jokes) about them. In a very mild way.

by George Cauldron February 20, 2017

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music dept.

if music was taken away i would be so so sad if the music dept went away like seriously i might just curl into a little ball and pee myself i would drag my body across a mile of broken glass to keep the music i <3 music 4 everr.

"why does the music dept. have to go"

by adri sulli December 8, 2011

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