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soup sandwich

A sandwich that is to be eaten with a soup.

We had spagehtti O's and a soup sandwich.

by Jon October 27, 2003

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band aid soup

when u have alot of sores covered in band aids and get in the tub to take a bath and when u finish and get out all the band aids have come off in the tub leaving band aid soup.

When I got out of the tub I saw that I had made band aid soup.

by afingeroriginal March 7, 2010

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Egg Drop Soup

N. When one testicle hangs lower than the other.

Usually used as a nickname once you find out the guy has un-level balls.

"I got some egg drop soup downstairs."

by Aries415 September 23, 2008

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cock-a-leekie soup

Traditional Scottish Soup whose origins can be traced back to the days of friendship between Scotland and France. (NYT Bread and Soup Cookbook.) Ingredients include one whole chicken, peppercorns, broth, leeks, dried prunes and dried apricots, parsley.

Waitress: Take your order sir?

Man: Bowl a' cock-a-leekie soup.

Waitress: Will you be having Lame Salad with that?

Man: I beg your pardon???

by I. Wagner November 28, 2006

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Punx Soup

The best band ever created. Still needs a little work but they will go far. No one has heard of them but you probably will in about 5 years. They are more of a project right now.

Punx Soup played at my school

by anna October 7, 2003

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Slurping Your Soup

The act of eating someone out and enjoying all the noodles and chunks of chicken that come along.

I was slurping your soup last night in bedddddd. gettteerrrr done.

by Kathryn Ann the third May 15, 2011

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navy bean soup

Defined as the act of a bunch of pissed off sailors sent to wash dishes down at scullery in the galley made a special soup by ejaculating together in a soup pot. the key ingredients are sea men, cream of some young guy, BEANERS, and various spices. usually served on the mess decks this soup has feed the crew for years.

todays special is Navy bean soup prepared by the crew.

by fartfhennoggin March 7, 2012

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