A machine that will swap cum from one penis to another. It hurts, at first. But you will soon get over it.
Don't make me use a cum swap machine on you!
The act of going back in time to change an event but failing to change anything, so you go back in time again to try to change the event but fail again, causing you to go back in time again to try again, looping indefinitely.
Person 1: If you could go back in time to when you were five with all your current knowledge would you?
Person 2: Yeah, I could invest in Bitcoin early! I wouldn't have to work a day in my life!
Person 1: What if your parents didn't believe you? Then you would have to go back in time again.
Person 2: Ohh, you're right. Even if I did go back in time it wouldn't change what happens.
Person 1: It's Sisyphus' Time Machine.
The 2 tonne machine is a beast of a machine which can hold 10 big macs in each leg.
The rumble of the 2 tonne machines coming makes people cry and run in fear of being crushed by big boy ben.
“lacie is a lean green mean cream machine” - danny
A Buffalo based rapper, deep in the niche of reviving the 1990s east coast golden age rap style, known for dropping 50 projects a year, his Griselda collective and label, and his sideways mouth due to a shooting in 2012, which hit his face and left it partially paralyzed, thus the name of his 2024 album "Slant Face Killah"
Or simply the "Grimiest Of All Time"
Man 1: yo whats your favourite Conway The Machine album?
Man 2: nah I dont play that video game its boring af
Worse than a gutter slut, fat, sloppy skank that will let you fuck her in the gutter while she eats a hot dogs
That whore fucked 30 guys last night and finished a pack of hotdogs in an hour,! Damn That bitch is a gutter Machine!
drunk customers, "huh" look if it's SIN CITY , "put your money where the SLOGAN IS"...ALCOHOL YEAH!!!!
Hey this is PARADISE as let's EAT AND since we are DRUNK we can STIFF OUR SERVERS BUTT wait TED look what they just installed PORNO SLOT MACHINES and it says you can't ever lose as you get this illustrated "SEX DICTIONARY and the rules of THE GAME as they said " and no worries the GRATUITY is automatically BUILT IN as well as a "REAL DATE FINDER" from G00GLE ALPHABET TECHNOLOGY now that IS PARADISE!!!!! and a great application of that GIGANTIC TENSOR PROCESSING PLANTS in HENDERSON, NEVADA.
GAD ZOUKS, look SUNDERARAJAN PICHAI went to the WYNN the 33 JAMES THE BELL BOY BOSS MURREN KIRKORIAN IN ANAL ALAN came back on the SDX as I think he pointed out his PICTURE to people on the SDX at the time as not too crowded and the JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL COPROPJILE PEDOPHILE AS ALAN I WALDMAN as he is getting another phone today as "be prepared to be shocked" as notice his name is appearing as "YOU will find out WHY" as I questioned about the BIG FIVE to SUNDER on that day , of OCTOBER 1, 2015 as do you like FACEBOOK, MICROSOFT, GOOGLE, APPLE, AMAZON ....does SUNDER remember his answers to these questions? , I remember he was soso about GOOGLE, reason as name was kidnapped by the GENERAL PUBLIC " as just GOOGLE "PEDOPHILIA" and "METSEETSUGERESUCERCHUPAR SHELKHATUTAPOS NEAREEMYALDAHPUERPUELLAGARCONFILLENINONINA it at the PORN FARM.