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belle is a girl who loves dick. she obsesses with boys that start with an I. she may be an annoying gremlin, but she is actually the funniest person alive. she admires men with curly hair. some may say she is a lover of lana del rey. LMFOIJAKSJAJA OK. i love myself


by December 16, 2021


The French word for a beautiful girl who probably has the name Delphine in Paris.

Guy 1: Did you see Delphine's new Instagram post?
Guy 2: Yeah dude she's so belle, I can't believe she's single.
Guy 3: I'm going to send her a DM, she'll probably leave me on "seen" though

by PhillyZaddy October 6, 2022


The biggest freak of all time. Super hot. She is fine asf (as fuck😈) ,the best girlfriend of all time. BBB, breathing machine, INWILMO

Belle does not like breathing machines.

by BELLEANDTREVOR February 11, 2022


She is very kind, she puts everyone before herself. She will stick up for everyone, she has a goofy laugh that will make you cry from laughter. Belle enjoys listening to a huge range of music sorts, how she acts can depend on what she is lessening to sometimes.

She will still be kind to people she does not like because she doesn't want to hurt their feelings.

She loves her family and is like the funniest therapist friend you will ever meet. She is creative but be careful. Became what you say or how you look at her, if you look or say something spiteful as a joke or not she will have what you said on her mind for weeks and will shut down on you. if you ever see her tear up and just say it was a yawn make sure to double check she is ok because Belle does not like opening up to people.

If you are sad first thing is to go to Belle no matter if you are a boy or a girl or how close you are also not even really friends she will put that smile right back on your face. She's like a mother figure. Also, she loves to sing but if she ever sings for you know that you've made it and you make her the happiest person in the world.

No matter how Belle thinks of you she will make you feel better than ever and like life is a warm summer field of sunflowers. If you ever see a Belle feel free to talk to her and become friends, she will never say no to a friendly face. :)
She does not feel pretty but thinks she is on the inside and to her that's all that matters.

See a girl caller Belle?

Be sure to become her friend your life will change for the best. She will be best friends with boys or girls it only matters if she can feel happy and make you happy.

by cryptic rock May 16, 2023


Belle is the type of person you want as a friend. She is very loving and kind and can make you're day with just one joke.

Shes the type of girl everyone knows, she may have had a few ups and downs on relationships but she is always caring and is very loyal.

girl: "oh, look belles coming"
girl: "ugh, im so jealous of her"

by fwfwwffw February 23, 2022


She is the most gangster person ever and a cool dude

“I met this person called belle today”
Mannn they must be so cool

by Imcrackedatfortnite.124 June 3, 2020


Many people think Belle is a name for shy people. HAHA fucking funny . Actually.. a Belle is a stoner and a sexy, adventurous girl.

Person: do u know Belle?
Other person: yea why?
Person: pleeease intodruce me to her!!!!!
Other person: aight but u know she is mine

by @cherryaries November 1, 2019