When you’re so drunk you pee in your partners bed, and you wake up and leave without saying anything.
“I was so drunk last night I pulled an Irish piss and now I’m never going to talk to her again.”
The process of inserting a tuba into your partners anal cavity and attempting to pour beer through the tuba and into the anus. After your remove the tuba and fart out the beer in tune any Irish song.
Dude me and my frat bros did the Irish tuba last night, I’m sore.
To leave a party or restaurant quietly without anyone knowing, skipping a bill, or disappearing from a gathering
“Mike did an Irish wee and was gone by 9pm!”
“She disappeared before the bill came out, must have done an Irish wee to avoid paying!”
Sweat Pants that are cut off to make shorts
The Jorts of sweat pants.
Bobby Tool Bags wore his Irish sweatpants to the bar.
Pour a shot of Irish Whiskey into a woman’s pussy and lick the shot out.
Babe, I got some Jamison, let’s do an Irish Fisherman.
Taking the Mick out of Irish people.
Person 1: that fella over there hurt my feelings when he called me ‘paddy’ especially because my name is Dylan.
Person 2:that’s a form of racism. There should be a word for it.
Person 1: irishism…