Kyle is a confident person, a lot of people can like him. But if his heart gets broken his mentality might get low. At School he is very smart and will help anyone that needs help.
Person 1: Do you know where Kyle is? I need to ask him a question.
Person 2: Oh he is at Person 17's desk helping them.
The male version of a Karen... Thinks he is all that and a bag of skittles, but really is just a sack. Look at him wrong and you will set off his dire need to speak to a manager. He will come across as sweet, but do not trust a kyle, he will throw you under the bus on a heartbeat
As a love interest look up Fuckboy.
a very gay ugly looking gentlemen gay with a transgender lesbo with a tiny dick.
A Kyle is a male version of Karen. They are over demanding and believe themselves to be entitled.
I wish the Kyle would stop harassing the woman for walking her dog.