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Birthday Friends

A type of Relationship on Facebook where both parties Wall-2-Wall only consists of the words "happy birthday!" written to each other.

After rejecting all of his inappropriate sexual advances, Lauren advised Pepe that they were nothing more than birthday friends.

by ahellangel April 30, 2009

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bitchy friend

one of those friends of yours that when around you they act like ya'll are best friends. when not around you they ignore you, one word you, talk shit, don't give a fuck about the friendship, but still call you their best friend.

godddd she is such a bitchy friend to her, why do they even still call each other friends.

by woahdog August 19, 2009

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Fakebook friend


One of those strange friends on facebook that your REALLY dont even know. You dont share any mutual friends or anything.

You might just add them becuase you just want that 1 more friend, or mabey becuase they have the same name as you.

The strange part is that they get extreamly offended when you delete them as a friend.

Bill: "Hey man! Whats your deal?!?"

John: "What?

Bill: "Why did you delete me as a friend?"

John: "Your just a fakebook friend dude."

by dats2dope January 8, 2010

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step friend

A person you are obligated to be friends with solely because they are friends with your friend.

Clay is a complete and total step friend. If he wasn't going out with Kelsey, I would've probably beat the crap out of him already.

by samiblack April 26, 2010

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Lady friend

A friend that is like your girlfriend but isn’t your girlfriend. A lady Friend.

Moshi: dude is this your girlfriend?
Ryan: no she’s my lady friend

Girl: I’m not his girlfriend....yet

by PrincessAdams April 27, 2020

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rubber friend

a wordcondom/word

Be sure to wear your rubber friend when having sex

by ghyslain is a faggot September 4, 2003

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Fake Friends

Fake Friends are people who in a crowd tend to ignore you. They also don't talk to you unless they need something of you. Another thing is that they wouldn't five two shits about your feeling while all you do is care for them and there feelings even when they know you feel like shit they still do nothing. They only invite you to things if they can't find anyone else and ignore you when you invite them to things. Also if they happen to hook up with someone and they let him/her get in the way of your relationship with you they sick bastards that don't give a fuck about how you feel about it and don't care about you at all in general. They also try to avoid you basically at all coast. Also if you help them through things like a break-up or even a just a hard time for them and they still only care about themselves they are a fake friend. A fake freinds will always talk shit about you behind your back or make fun of you and say it's a joke but when your face to face they don't say anything they are fake ( or they are just a little bitch and won't talk shit to your face). Other than that a fake friend is a pussy ass bitch that thinks there too good for you.

Person that has fake freinds: I wonder why this person hasn't talked to me in so long.
REAL FREIND: I was talking to him last night and he was talking shit about you. But your other friendnd was deffending you.
PERSON THAT HAS FAKE FRIENDS: Wow what a pussy can't even say it to my face. At least I know I have a couple of real freinds.

by Syzergy Fury July 19, 2018

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