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potato sack

like a tea bag but instead of one pair of testicles, 2 pairs or more are needed and tied together using a rubber band to hold the balls together and then proceed to dip down in the victims mouth

person1: me and john potato sacked your mom last night!!!

person2: Dude, that means john and your balls touched each others? What a fag!!! hahahaha

Person1:......ummm SHUT UP

by Zero1 September 22, 2007

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nut sack

See: Deez nuts.

Deez nuts in yo mouff bitch.

by Nut-Sahk. August 29, 2003

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lazy sack

somebody who is a lazy ballsack.

hence, lazy sac...made popular by jim gaffigan

meg: can you go get me that?
jack: no...its too far away....
meg: you LAZY SACK!!

by maroo July 28, 2006

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Term referring to persons of African descent. Typified by their foul body odour, baggy trousers, miniscule IQ, allergy to work and propensity to commit mindless criminal acts, Soot-sacks can be found in most low-cost housing estates.

Collective noun, a crime of soot-sacks

As soot-sacks lack the brain-power to keep their primitive animal urges in check, they are a serious rape-risk.

Another possible reason as to why soot-sacks always have sex on the brain, is that they have pubic hair on their heads!

Soot-sacks sweat profusely as they suffer from the condition coondensation

Some bastard has stolen the wheels off my car! I knew I shouldn't have left it parked here, I saw a crime of soot-sacks hanging around earlier

by MrBrownstoneballs August 24, 2010

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hobo sack

A bag carryed around by bums and hobos (mostly hobos) they are usually full of random junk that the hobos say are "priceless" or "used by (insert famous persons name here)" the hobo sacks are usually plastic bags

Also it can just be a backpack filled with random junk that is not needed. Dose not have to be carried by a hobo. It can be a broken up backpack carried by a middle class person

1. That hobo/bum tryed to sell me some junk from his hobo sack

2. Why did you bring that hobo sack! We are just going camping!!!

3. That is to discusting to be a backpack....oh! DUH its a hobo sack!

by LAN_Wee October 5, 2005

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Scrotom Sack

One who's head and or face resembles a male Scrotom.

man, that kids face is all white and pale, when you throw water on his face he looks like a scrotom sack

by crazyraaaaab February 27, 2011

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nut sack

a person wearing tight jeans, white runners, any t-shirt and carry's his/her velcro wallet,cigarettes etc... in a fanny pack!

I was at hooters last night and all i saw were nutsacks and chicks in shorts from the early 80's.

by Solsy January 2, 2004

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