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Learn to pronounce
gerund or present participle: booking

Have all appointments or places reserved; be full. Engage (a performer or guest) for an occasion or event. It’s a different definition for booking but also a Type of Dating (aka a One Night Stand) it could turn out different. When you meet up with the person you’d be acquainted with a list of things to do.

Deion: "I'm booked till, like, 2014"
2 Seductive Girls: "the promoter booked him for another appearance"

by GorillaWolf2099 November 23, 2020


To Kill Someone

They really booked my boy Pablo.

by BabyIanConnor March 7, 2022


When a bully swats the books out of your hand in the hallway

Yesterday the mean bully Brian booked Tim. Julia helped clean up the mess, but Tim's in the hospital.

by NotJulia April 26, 2017



Nah fam she’s booked

by Its_jean April 22, 2024

Bog Book

Bog Book- (North Irish) A book you take to the toilet with you to pass the time. Usually a favourite book or the one you happen to be reading at the time. While most who take a Bog Book to the lavatory will also take a newspaper or a laptop, Only actual books can have the term applied. That said, some scientists believe that Laptops and Newspapers serve much the same function in the same situation. Kindle users however, are just pretentious cunts and would be advised to do everyone else a favour and flush their overpriced nonsense down the shitter from whence it came.

"Man, I'm touchin' cloth here- Have you seen my Bog Book?"

by Luckiii November 5, 2011

Prechapter Book

A children’s book that is between a picture book and a chapter book in size and word count.

Evan graduated from picture books to prechapter books!

by Pika Bunny August 22, 2018

Mexican book

When you shit in a library book and light it on fire then piss it out then you return that book to the library wait for somebody to find the pages I had to shit on it and close it in that nerds face

Haha you shit in that mexican book

by Desi Drake December 19, 2019