When Nadi wants chip, he go to mall, and he buy chip. But he gets ash to buy him chip for 2 buk.
Yo Asher come to mall and Buy Me Chip
when an animal's feet smell like corn chips giving them corn chip toes
ya my cat/dog put her foot in my face and she had a bad case of corn chip toes
When you rub chips on you balls then offer it to a friend. He will think your being a kind person offering to share your snack but he has no idea.
This one time at band camp, joe ate hunters nut chips.
Hey man im going to give that fucking midget over there some nut chips
When you enter a restaurant with the sole intention of eating their complimentary appetizers and leaving.
That place is too expensive, but their chips are amazing. Let's chip and dip?
In the dead of night while someone is asleep someone it doesn't matter who will hold the sleeping person down shove chips up their ass and yell chips ahoy! And politely leave.
Hey john remember when we gave peter the good ol' chips ahoy! last year.
A guy that's gay but pretends to like girls. Tries hard to get laid but game too weak. Attends a christian school. Go figure. Go fish!
Hey! I'm Chip Fisher & I'd love to suck your slong. Ian Stover turns me on the most. We get down. DM us!