A phrase used most commonly by really weird people, that have obvious urban accents. Typically deriving from the older phrase "Say Less", it describes the ending of a conversation, seemingly confirming what the other party has said.
Say that crodie - I'm so urban
when you lie to your friend but then he says say on skibidi
the fourth wheel sigma:yo i got hit by a car going 500kmh
will:say on skibidi
the fourth wheel sigma:oh my bad g i cant put anything on skibidi
A girl that gives the best advice and is perfect in every way.
Person 1: Vereena is so perfect.
Person 2: I agree!!
Uh Stan Vereena Sayed for clear skin😗
When you see someone so sexy, but they’re so close to you that you have to be discreet.
*with friend at lunch and you see a sexy daddy munch man* “I have something to say”
Syakeel always say go away to Shan his Brother and make him cry
Syakeel always say go away to Shan his Brother and make him cry
this is a popular meme that can either be used for when somebody doesn't understand something or something crazy has happened that is not of the persons understanding.
its also the first lyrics to the song happy by pharrell williams which is a song known by billions
"well the test isnt tomorrow right"
"it might seem crazy what im boutta say"