Source Code

Super Taqueria

1: Proper Noun- A small chain of Mexican Taqueria Restaurants around San Jose and Morgan Hill that serve what the locals consider to be better than Taco Bell.

2: Noun- (Slang) A Mexican woman living in America, but talks to English speaking Americans in Spanish, expecting to be understood. Quite common within grocery stores.

Example 1:
Boy: "Hey, babe. You hungry? I feel like getting Mexican food."
Girl: "Gawd, YES! Let's get some Super Taqueria."
Boy: "Fer sure, cause Taco Bell gives me Super Diarrhea..."

Example 2:
Mexican Lady: "¡Hola! (rambles in Spanish)"
Meat Clerk: "You want Carne Asada?"
Mexican Lady: "Ehh... sí."
Butcher: "Great, more carne asada for another super taqueria."

by Matt Dokter December 9, 2010

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Super straight

A fake sexuality made up by closeted gay/bi etc men and transphobes. If you are super straight you only date biological women - by this logic, you also date trans men, making you the opposite of straight. So which is it, guys? Are you gay or are trans men real men?

Idiot: I’m super straight.
Normal Person: That’s transphobic and stupid.

by Orthapox-13 March 6, 2021

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Super straight

A new "LGBTQ+" term for homo/transphobes. Super straight people don't exist, its just a fake sexuality some people identify as to avoid being interpreted as homo/transphobic; when really, they are. They just don't wanna look bad.

person one: "What's your sexual/romantic orientation?"

person two: "I'm super straight, meaning I only like cis women. "

person one: "Cringe, smh. You're gonna lose subscribers."

by lalalalalalolhaha March 16, 2021

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Super Straight

a terrible, disgusting “sexuality” created by neo nazis to excuse transphobia. People who say they are super straight claim they are only attracted to the opposite gender, but somehow exclude trans people, which means their logic makes no sense.

Guy: im super straight
Guy2: oh so you’re transphobic?
Guy: Nooo its just preference. I only like women🥺
Guy2: so you like trans women too?
Guy: Nooooo
Guy2: then you’re logic makes no sense. You arent valid.

by randomperson:)) March 8, 2021

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Super Love

Loving another individual to an unspecified degree that he or she cannot possibly comprehend.

I Super Love you

by Encentrik January 7, 2011

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Super Proud

A straight man or woman who don’t date anyone who hates the LGBTQ+ community like homophobes, biphobes, transphobes, etc.

Sam: What’s your sexuality?
Caleb: I’m super proud

by Rick Grimes 35 March 10, 2021

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A super geek is a person who has everything going for them or 1-3 things going for them to a almost superhuman amount.

OMG Aaron is SUCH a super geek he is going to collage early and he has a body of a god while being in with the cool crowd.

by Aether killer May 25, 2009

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