When you suffer from MDD (depression), some days are better than others. You may feel fine one day, but the next day you'll feel like you want to die.
The following is a "scale" of how a depressed person's days can go. To make this less confusing, the person will be referred to as "Bob."
The Depression Scale
LEVEL ZERO: Good days
Bob exhibits absolutely no symptoms of depression, and may even appear quite happy.
LEVEL ONE: Standard days
Bob will appear fine on the outside, but on the inside he feels gloomy and disinterested. Don't expect him to tell you about it, though.
LEVEL TWO: Bad days
Things haven't been going well for Bob. Unlike level one where he just feels down, level two depression is where he actually has a reason to feel the way they does. He will most likely want to be alone, and will deflect all forms of conversation.
LEVEL THREE: Mental Breakdown
Bob has had an absolutely awful day and cannot suppress how he feels any longer. He'll tell just about anyone who's willing to lend an ear, and will probably start sobbing halfway through.
LEVEL FOUR: Self-harm
Bob feels so numb inside, he has resorted to physically hurting himself in order to feel something, anything. He doesn't care how dangerous it is for his health; he stopped caring about himself a long time ago.
LEVEL FIVE: Ending it all
Bob is done. He's been pushed around and bullied enough by the universe, and has decided that the only option left is to take his own life.
The feeling after watching a Formula 1 or similar race
“Hey Lisa, did you watch the race?”
“Yes, I am sad now, I have post race depression,”
At the beginning of the year your depressed (winter depression). In the middle of the year your depressed (summer depression).
You will never be happy.
me: I'm going through the depression seasons
y/n: now how long is that gonna last
this disorder only exists by the term "sex".
if you talk alot about sex you will get this disorder
yeah idk some random psychiatrist was saying this in a group chat whenever i said sex
me: "sex"
that psychiatrist: "you have a major depressive disorder :The W bird image:"
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Another word for a boomer
Tusura is a depressed millenial. But really hes just old, fat, and stupid. aka Boomer
When the Pope leaved your city and everyone has a hard time getting themselves back to normal
Philadelphians are experiencing Pope-partum depression after the wonderful and spiritual visit from Pope Francis.
A feeling of immense sadness or sorrow, internally and externally, after watching a great anime because the great anime provided you with a joy that could never be replicated.
(The Abbreviated form is PAD)
Anthony suffered from Post Anime Depression after watching Kingdom.