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Mexican Facebook

The tinted back window of a Latino's car that is adorned with various names, stenciled faces, and RIP messages.

The Mexican Facebook page on the back of that El Camino has four different faces on it.

by Glenny Glen Glen April 26, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Facebook Shark

a Facebook user who logs on and lies in wait for someone else to log on, so that they can immediately trap them in a conversation.

Hm, I think I'll log into Facebook.
2 seconds later:
new message from Jason: HEY!!!!!
Damn, what a Facebook Shark.

by PoisonPen May 24, 2009

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new facebook

The new facebook layout that has everything crammed onto one page and that no one likes. Everyone was much happier with the old facebook, and now we're forced to use this new piece of shit.

"Have you seen the new facebook yet? it sucks."

by epicepicphail September 14, 2008

51๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

drunk facebooking

when someone is hammered and talks to you on facebook, kinda like drunk dialing or drunk texting

"i vane baely reas th e comp screen anuymote"

"and i can barely read your writing anymoreee, cause your drunk facebooking me"

by optimous primeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee December 5, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Facebook Bitch

A Female or Male;prepherably a female. A person you meet on facebook, chat and inbox for a long period of time and then finally meet up, you hook up with "facebook bitch" just once. After the hook up you block her/him and ignore them afterwords.

Jim: so how was your night?
Bill: I had a fantastic night with a Facebook Bitch :)

Bill: yes, blocked that broad right after I got it in!

by Clairicettttt September 18, 2011

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facebook philosophers

People who update there status (mainly stones) daily with bullshit philosophies and phrases, in a bid to try and make themselves look intellectual.

For example a facebook philosophers may say Don't stay in bed unless your making money in bed etc...

by godsgift55 July 11, 2011

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Facebook douche

Someone who accepts your friend request, only to unfriend you a week or two later.

Jim: Hey, are you friends with Joe on facebook?

Bob: I think so, let me check...hey wait a minute, he unfriended me! What a facebook douche!

by roflcopter12 December 29, 2010

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