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The Fat Guy

Reformed playstation pirate. Also known as Garfat.

J: "i wonder if The Fat Guy has Destruction Derby 2 yet"
N "yeah Garfat hires new shit to copy every week"

J: "Lets go see the fat cunt then"
N: "yeah, lets see how much lunch is on his tit"

by theguywhofuckednathansmum July 11, 2010

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Nice guy

Not to be confused with a genuine nice guy, a nice guy is a guy who is nice to someone, untill they get regected, after so, insisting they were 'being nice' and 'arent like other guys that would beat them'.
Usually can be spotted with a Neck beard and/or a fedora. Can also be heard using the term "Nice guys finish last".

Nice guy: I dont get it! She sat with me guring lunch, she smiled at me, and made eye contact! Apparently she dosent want to fuck. I gess its true....nice guys finish last.....

by Cowboy deez December 30, 2019

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nice guy

A beta male that is the opposite of what women are actually attracted to. Often seen to women as a manipulating a friendship or doing favours almost like putting coins into a machine hoping to get sex out of it. It never works.

The problem with being the nice guy is the mindset that it springs from. A man supplicating to a woman is doing it out of insecurity and desperation for her approval and sexual attention.
Want to lay hot chicks? Then keep this first and foremost in mind: The quickest and easiest way to kill any attraction a woman may be starting to feel for you is to feel insecure about yourself, or to be needy, or to seek approval. When you have the mindset of being desperate to please, you end up coming on too strong, too early. You become clingy. It’s like you’re begging.

This reminds me of an old saying about banks: they only want to loan you money when
you’re loaded already. If you genuinely need the money, then you can forget it.

Chris was a nice guy, he never got laid.

by guywithtaste February 28, 2016

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Guy Diving

When a man descends from an aircraft of his choosing and lands his erect penis inside a spread-eagle woman/man.

Just spent $2,000 on guy diving lessons to try to fix my marriage. Love is priceless.

by Hannibal_x9 January 30, 2020

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What a guy

You would use this sentence when a person is just a guy, it was created by rack00nz in a PS4 party you could also say "this man is such a guy" or "what a fucking guy man" you can use it in a positive way or a negative way.

"Yo look at this man bro"

"What a guy man"

"Bro this girl just texted me"

"Ur such a guy man"

"Yo i just got cheated on"

"Ur actually the biggest guy I've ever seen bro"

by Rack00nz October 15, 2022

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Fish Guy

A coded and secret phrase for publicly communicating the fact that a given male particularly enjoys cunnilingus, or eating pussy.

Brian: So I heard that Trevor is getting pretty into fish, huh?

Dave: Oh yeah, big fish guy.

by Merriam W. November 1, 2018

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Jacob Guy

Greasy nonce

Did you see that jacob guy the other day

by BIGDIXFLEX October 2, 2018

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