In the billion-dollar a year Adoption business, it is of no surprise that ethical standard and adoption fraud in industry run rampant throughout. This term is of singular reference to the growing number of cash-laden prospective adoptive parents who will sacrifice moral turpitude in exchange for a "Hear no Evil, See no Evil and do no Evil" legal approach to infant adoption. The State of New Jersey is the first of fifty to implement revised statute to allow adoption agencies to cease and desist with certain long held lawfully mandated practices. N.J.S.A. 9: 3-39 1 b, c
Since an infant is not a commodity, and for a person to self blindfold their own witnessing eyes to such treatment of child, it is this Urban Dictionary contributor's felt moral duty to aptly separate the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. It is now of published recognition that the new term, "Baby-Glommer' befits all who fall under its definition.
This definition is bias, yet, dead on balls accurate in allegory law allowances. I welcome all defined refutes.
Adoption is for the need of child, not of the Baby-Glommer!
13๐ 3๐
A person, usualy female, who is presents themselves in a sexual way, that is also quite childlike. Usually the female presents quite innocent for the benefit of male attention. The phrase was popularised in 30 Rock, Season 5 Episode 16, and later by the Taylor Swift song Anti-Hero. An early example of a sexy baby is Persephone in Greek mythology who acted childlike and was abducted by her uncle and forced to be a child bride.
"We act like Marilon Monrone was a feminst icon, but she's just basically a sexy baby". "Persephone of the Greek myths is such as sexy baby. She was plucking red poppies in her spontaneous, childlike way when her dark uncle Hades burst through the earth and abducted her in his iron chariot then made Persephone his unwilling bride." "I'm glad that Paris Hilton has stopped speaking in a drawl like sexy baby, she's a business tycoon, it didn't suit her"
15๐ 4๐
1. A lower abdominal region so bloated from overeating or poor eating as to be distended, round, hard, or otherwise resembling the abdominal region of a woman in the later stages of pregnancy.
2. An episode of defecation preceded by a particularly heinous cramping and/or gas experience wherein one's intestines feel as though they have been stretched beyond capacity, one's colonic and/or anal region may or may not experience tearing, and sweating is likely to occur. Panting, groaning, screeching or crying out may occur, and a period of rest is generally required afterward, the length of which being dependent on such factors as (a) size of food baby in weight and length, (b) duration of labor, and (c) general fitness prior to delivery.
1. "Mom, do you still have your maternity pants in the attic? I at so much turkey this Thanksgiving that I think I'll be expecting a food baby at some point between this evening and tomorrow morning."
2. "Someone put an extra roll of Scott and a bottle of ice chips in the bathroom. John just went into labor and his food baby is ready to join the world."
63๐ 25๐
A member a family of bitchy idiots, who have been known to suck on the teet of life.
Dickie doesn't know anything, and whines all the time, he is a "tit baby." His brother Nick is also a "tit baby."
18๐ 5๐
A baby troll is an Internet troll who is young, isn't very good at trolling (which is an art form perfected by few) and is easy to turn his trolling back on him and wind him up something chronic.
Aah, bless, baby troll, everyone knows Snape kills Dumbledore.
18๐ 5๐
A little penis that's way too tiny to please a girl! The guy is usually a sissy and will never, EVER get laid in his lifetime!
Kevin has such a little baby dick, he'll never get laid. He'll just have to jack off his tiny little baby dick for the rest of his life.
64๐ 27๐
The phomonen of having anal sex with a woman, cumming, and then have the seamen leak from her anus and into her vagina causing her to become pregant and have a baby.
1) You are an anal baby.
2) I thought I had a bastard son, turns out he is an anal baby.
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