Source Code

crushing the airport

while waiting in the airport, you invite custodial workers to come watch the World Cup with you on your laptop

Dude I am so crushing the airport right now.”

by gibgub November 27, 2022

crushing the airport

when you are waiting in the airport, and you invite custodial workers to watch the World Cup with you on your laptop

“Dude I am totally crushing the airport right now.”

by gibgub November 27, 2022

Christy's crush

in process...

christy's crush pt1

by Ebuksam February 19, 2023


A person who you find attractive but don’t know if you like them or not .

I have a huge crush on Jayden.

by #1anonymous22222222222222 June 1, 2020


A person who you find really attractive, and do not know if you have feelings for them or not.

I have the biggest crush on Jayden!

by #1anonymous22222222222222 June 1, 2020


The person you see every day and really like/love but never talk to them because you were too insecure. Or they rejected you already.

Christopher is my crush

by Totally not a cinnamon roll September 25, 2021


somebody who is never interested in u but you still daydream and have hope of you having a chance with them

dude- hey girrrrllll I think I have a crush on youuuu
Girl- .... hard passssss!!!!!!!
Dude- cries like a baby on his knees

by ppppppppppppppooooooooooooooop May 23, 2019