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Guy Five

An epic slapping together of hands by brofriends. Doesn't involve any other body parts, JUST HANDS! A guy five should hurt the palm of your hand, otherwise you aren't doing it right. Your hand should tingle for hours afterwards.

A guy five is done when something epic has happened, or when the excitement of life and brofriendship gets to be too much. Often coupled with a brohug.

Guy fives should be celebrated in society and performed regularly.

Levi: "OMG I just designed a new rug!"

James: "GUY FIVE!"

*Huge slapping noise reverberates throughout the world*

by Vickigail December 7, 2012

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golf guy

an indigent man who spends his entire day "working" on his golf game, thus unable to find real work.

Where is Golf Guy? He is on vacation in Paris, working on his golf swing.

by "Norma Rae" July 27, 2009

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This term refers to those who are so engrossed and utterly obsessed specifically with any form of military cadets (or perhaps any youth organisation) that they fail to think or say anything not about cadets. There are 12 levels of "guyness" which rank all cadets or youth organisation members from very unenthusiastic to sucking-off instructor just to gain favour. Cadet guys are usually single-minded individuals who only look to gain promotion and uphold prestige of unit for personal satisfaction. high level guys like to enforce their rank on others for ego boosts and will often use the word regalia. cadet guys are gimps

sampson said to the cadet commander: "i will do anything to become an officer"
cadet commander: "anything? you're such a cadet guy! down on your knees!"
sampson: "why thankyou sir!"

by spartacus the windowdresser February 11, 2010

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Girlfriend guy

A guy usually named Nathan who spends his Monday nights with his girlfriend instead of the boys

Kerst-Where’s Nathan for Monday shotguns?
Moe-no idea, ohhh wait he’s with his new girlfriend
Friend 3- oh he’s a girlfriend guy now

by Sweet4469 February 25, 2020

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Free Guy

An entity/player in a server/game that is not bound by the standards/rules.

Yep, Tommy owns the server and you will probably see his avatar while you’re playing. You can’t blow him up! He’s the Free Guy.

by Grendels Skull August 14, 2021

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BD guy

In corporate America the guy who wines and dines clients, occasionally resulting in new business. Most often named Chad or Ken, these guys are perpetually 32-years-old and store golf clubs in their trunks so they can sell their BS on a golf course. Unofficial concierges since they know every bar and restaurant in town.

The BD guy sells the dream, while the operations guy lives the nightmare.

by Grant Rampus July 10, 2016

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pulling a guy

verb. to hit on every girl possible

Look at that kid pulling a guy over there.

by benzion November 2, 2010

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