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Hug your crush day

Lets say its October 19th and you want to make a move, well now you can with

Yo!! Did you see mark hug his crush, bitch has some balls.
No its just hug your crush day

by MacNCheeese October 19, 2021

Cornhole crush

The act of showing your butthole, aka Cornhole, for a delicious refreshing orange crush

Who do I have to show my Cornhole too to get a orange crush around here? (Cornhole crush)

by Lastnightwasamovie July 24, 2021

Crush Crack

The crackhead behavior that comes to a person once they have developed a crush

Ex: Bro he’s so dusty, abby benitez is fr on crush crack

by crackheadtingz September 15, 2019

confess to your crush day- November 30

This is a day where you can and SHOULD confess to your crush, whether its a person from school, or just someone you see on the street that you found attractive!!
Give flowers, or anything that the person seems to like, have fun with this teeny holiday.

Hayden: Alexis, I like you!!
Alexis: What??

Hayden: It's confess to your crush day- November 30th
Alexis: Oh! Wait, you had a crush on me???
Hayden: Uhh

by okasfhsfnefeifue f November 30, 2022

fictional crush

When you are crushing on literally any fictional person, whether from tv shows, books, cartoons, movies, etc. Often resulting in an obsession over fanfics and fanarts. Good thing is that you'll have a high standards in real life (which is also bad...since it's most likely irreversible)

"Flynn Rider was my first ever fictional crush!"

by sunriseunderground January 28, 2024

Get your girl or crush flowers day

October 23

October 23 is now national get your girl or crush flowers day

by Ef13&4957828485 October 24, 2019

crush depth

Crush depth: when you have accumulated so much stuff that it begins to interfere with living. (a) It could be clutter, meaning stuff heaped upon stuff with no place to put it. (b) But it doesn't necessarily have to be "clutter." It could be the result of extrapolating the adage "the more you own the more it owns you" to its natural conclusion, stating that your joy of acquisition has turned into to the burden of maintenance / fixing things.

Honey, I can't take another Christmas in this small house. We are at crush depth already--there is nowhere left to put all the kids' junk!

by MNL897 November 6, 2024