Source Code

Horny Sensei

A extremely horny martial arts fanatic who devotes hours upon hours to martial arts and training.

Look it's Horny Sensei, he's practicing martial arts again

by Arez1673 April 22, 2021

Horny Yuri

A boy/girl who wants to shag the Norris nuts and kisses my ass

You bastard horny Yuri!!

by Cheesytoesloversss February 2, 2022

Horny Outside

Generally prefaced with an adjective such as "Super" or a derision like "Totally not" to describe the weather.

IE: Hunter says, "Yo it's super Horny Outside" to speak to the fact that the spring weather is very pleasant

in another example Wes says, "Bro it's Madd ED out here" to indicate that the weather is not horny and is in fact negatively impacting everyone's good time

There is of course degrees of how horny it is outside and everyone is entitled to their own preference. from people surveyed it was however generally recognized that when those flowers be poppin that -ussy be droppin

by ARTFLDDGR March 31, 2024


they stank up and clog bathrooms causing floods at times because they are HOT FOR having SEX with PED0PHILES.


YOU can walk into a bathroom at STACKS of the record BIG BIRD and any of the COFFEE HOUSES as as well as other restaurants to witness the HORNY PLUMBERS CLUB being impotent with ENVY of those PED0PHILES that they feel can unplug their pipes.

Knowing full well of the procedures and motives of STEPHEN CRAIG PADDOCK it maybe clear that it may have taken some of the HORNY PLUMBERS CLUB to execute this you may say WAGER WAGGER perfection of LONE talent of aerospace accountant sexual music AWARENESS AND INTELLIGENCE.


Angry/horny srs mage

A wannabe occultist, typically male or male identifying, that's angry because they are sexually repressed due to their maladjusted personality and their magick no longer works well.

Man, that Korbin is an angry/horny srs mage! He should have a spa day.

by Veroxi September 11, 2021

Horny Psychosis

Being so horny and hypersexual that one becomes delusionally perverse and "erotomanic" (sometimes "dangerously") that when they sexually harass someone that the person the harass likes and/or wants it. Someone who is Psychotically Horny wil also masturbate to things they nornally wouldn't and would possibly find degenerate when they are lucid. Horny Psychosis can typically be allieviated by orgasm where one becomes more lucid of one's mistake, but does not automatically mean they are more sane.

There are no precise numbers to who is more affected, but since hypersexuallity is more common among biological men they are probably more affected than women biological (im not being sexist look it up). Men who are more likely to be more affected are basement dwelling degenerates and neckbeards, people with certain types of mental illnessess (such as a someone with an impulse control disorder, bipolar patients in a manic state, and someone with a (psycho)sexual disorder and more ) and repeat sexual offenders. For women it's more common among neurotic and emotinally unstable and/or sociopathic women and women with the same types of mental disorders as described above for men and also repeat sexual offenders.

1. Girl 1: That creepy guy kept stalking me, i
hate it.

Girl 2: Eww yeah, he's such a creep, he must have: Horny Psychosis.

2. Guy 1: That crazy bitch that i fucked is stil trying to get me to get together with her and wanting me to fuck her but when i say no she fucking screams at me and calling me shit.

2. Guy 2: Yeah that sucks man, she must have: Horny Psychosis.

by Dr Sex M.D. Fucking Psychiatry November 1, 2023

Horny bitch

The best person to exist

Horny bitch is the best!

by Jojo siwa6969 January 23, 2021