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douche pump

A name designated for a sports stadium employee during a hockey game who tries to get the wave going when the home team is down 0-4. Most often used by Philadelphia Flyers fans.

"Okay, everyone in this section start the wave on three...1, 2,... 'Hey down in front you douche pump'"

by lancaster cock-knockers February 1, 2008

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Douch Casserole

douch casserole; something that people eat because they themselves are indeed, douch bags.

You: " Shutup Steve! Go eat a big plate of Douch Casserole! "

by Dr. DexT November 20, 2009

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Someone who must always react to douchebag behavior with equal or greater douchebag behavior. The term generally only applies to people who are otherwise polite and kind until someone is rude to them first.

(Guy#1) Hey man I can't stand Tommy anymore. He has been such an asshole lately. I think I am going to key his car!

(Guy#2) No don't do that dude. Just because he is a douchebag doesn't mean you have to be a douche-back!

by mrwhiskers29 September 14, 2012

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Douche Bag

The definition of Douche Bag~ Rick Asselin, A completely useless, no good, worthless piece of shitt, lying, stealing Vindictive boyish less of a man, Ass kissing Snob, no life better off Dead Crap hole Gay lord, Sack of shitt Covered in Mutilated Monkey Ass Holes In a Firey Pit of burning deformed goats, no life, and Stupidest shitt that ever walked the earth.

My Mom's Soon to be Ex- Boy friend is a "Douche Bag"

by Heywood Jafookme March 7, 2010

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Ugly Douche

an Alfred E. Newman or the brother from "Everybody Loves Raymond" lookalike prone to pompous statements, idiotic arguing, eating ear crud and generally just being an asstard

"That kid who went to Ohio State is an ugly douche"

by UDDL November 16, 2005

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Douche Flute

The electronic device filled with flavored liquids used to produce large vapor clouds of gayness.

Mike: dude! Check out homeboy with the Vape!! He's sucking on that bitch like ya read about!!

Turd: right!?! No one smokes the Douche Flute like Tommy B!!

by THE Massinator May 26, 2017

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ska-douche created mid-2000 era by reminants of metropolitian towns on the north-west coast of the united states. this word was developed to be the ultra-word that covers the use of words such as; stoops, kook, blowin it, lame, gay, douche bag, fag nuts, nut face, dildo spray, retartd, zebratard, ect....
(pronounced; ska_douche)

usage; your friends does something stupid.....you say "SKA-DOUCHE!!!!"

by caleb Sutherland February 8, 2007

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