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nigger moment

A brief, often accidental, moment in a white person's life where they act like a nigger. This lasts only for a short time, usually no more than a minute or two.

see: wigger moment.

White Guy #1: Dude, this new game is the shizzle, dawg.
White Guy #2: Huh?
White Guy #1: Sorry, nigger moment.

by Mozzarella Enthusiast August 4, 2008

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Julian Moment

A moment in time when someone (Julian) thinks something is incredibly amazing but is actually not that cool. Usually demonstrated by a loud "Woah" and is generally when covering a topic of little interest to others in the class.

A Julian Moment:

Mr. Brand: As the technology in this age gets better, more and more things are being made of carbon nano tubes.

Julian: Wooooaaaaahhh. Does the same thing happen with silicon dioxide?

Class: Shut up Julian

by carbonnanotubes December 16, 2010

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Brewer Moment

!) Tongue-tied, as in "having a Brewer Moment."
2) Totally dropping the verbal ball on a statement you should have down cold.
3) Sitting there in uffish silence with a pathetic deer-in-the-headlights expression when you should be dazzling them with brilliance (or at least befuddling them with bullshit).

From Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's notorious 13-second freeze-up at the beginning of a debate in September 2010.

I totally memorized my part for the performance, but I had a Brewer Moment because Jodie was in the back seat making faces.

by TiJean October 23, 2010

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Sputnik Moment

An abstract conversational reference that a person makes to an event that happened before their time to a current event - trying to draw a comparison that leaves the listener in question as to what was being compared.

Pop: I am so tired of paying these taxes, we need to throw the tea into the harbor and show them we're serious.

Jimmy: Why is Pop talking about tea?

Mary: Don't worry- he's having a Sputnik Moment.

by Habbie January 27, 2011

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blonde moment

used to refer to an action, event or behavior that stands as testament to sub-human intelligence or, worse, a lack there of

The woman who mistook the cattle prod for a vibrator experienced a blonde moment.

by Nick Copola September 29, 2003

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Blonde Moment

A term that refers to the day in 2004 when millions of 'dumb' Americans voted in George W Bush for a second term

What?? George W Bush was voted in again?? - those Americans sure must have been having a 'blonde moment'

by Dem O'crat January 31, 2008

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blonde moment

a moment that blondes have when they suddenly go stupid..but then they get not-stupid after a minute...(you dont have to nessisarely be ''blonde'')

skylar:what is 2+2?
Blonde:um 5
skylar:no 4 you idiot!
blonde:oh sorry blonde moment

by skylar October 5, 2003

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