Source Code

w h o o p s

so bad you know you fucked up

*drops there custom made 'shoot the fucking DJ' green day mug and breaks it*
maRIE; w h o o p s i shot the fucker down

by marie.issa.mf.hot.cheeto September 2, 2018

1👍 3👎

y gmuh9ex-8y,8h23úç-,c0 ,m89-wnxmdyded9-w

What you say when you're V E R Y shocked.

Person 1: ''Look! I changed my face.''

Person 2: ''y gmuh9ex-8y,8h23úç-,c0 ,m89-wnxmdyded9-w!!''

by haahahah just kidding peopleee June 22, 2021


north east winds pig oink rug tops

by fuckyouballs October 7, 2003

48👍 230👎


when your so bored that you decide to type every character on your keyboard oscillating from right to left for each line goin in

help me im `=1-203948576\qweprotiyua's;dlfkgjh/z.x,cmvnb

by The procrastinator-ator March 23, 2022

9👍 2👎

wow wo w wo wow wow wo ow owowow wow wo wow ow wow ow woww w


wow wo w wo wow wow wo ow owowow wow wo wow ow wow ow woww w

by wow wo w wo wow wow wo ow owow November 6, 2020

4👍 1👎


You're in school doing a test, bored out of your MIND. You've already searched up some very obscure variations of the family tree such as mlpoiuytrewqazcvbnkjhgfds. This isn't the most obscure one but is definitely very hard to find. Congrats. I was genuinely surprised that this hasn't been done yet.

Timmy's bored.

Timmy - Well, I'll just search up `=1-203948576q\werptoyiua's;dlfkgjhz/x.c,vmbn because I have no life.

by Boredom Solver. April 19, 2023

§1234567890+wertyuiopåäsdfghjklöä'<zxcvbnm,.- !"#¤%&/()=?WERTYUIOPÅÂSDFGHJKLÖÄ*>ZXCVBNM;:_@£$‚{[]}\w€rþyuıœßðfghjĸøæʒ×cvbŋµ’–

The stage of boredom where you type every variable of the typable (if that's the word) keys on the keyboard. Seriously, how are you so bored?

§1234567890+wertyuiopåäsdfghjklöä'<zxcvbnm,.- !"#¤%&/()=?WERTYUIOPÅÂSDFGHJKLÖÄ*>ZXCVBNM;:_@£$‚{}\w€rþyuıœßðfghjĸøæʒ×cvbŋµ’–

by EatenToaster March 18, 2022

5👍 2👎