Source Code


When you are too bored
You may have already typed qwertyuiop and 1234567890
If you typed z.x,cmvnb, you missed a key, which is /

z.x,cmvnb is finally in the Urban Dictionary!

by z.x,cmvnb October 3, 2021


when your so bored that you decide to type every character on your keyboard oscillating from right to left for each line goin in

help me im `=1-203948576\qweprotiyua's;dlfkgjh/z.x,cmvnb

by The procrastinator-ator March 23, 2022

9👍 2👎


If you type this, you have 3 seconds until you die of boredom

you know what? im gonna type `=1-203948576\qweprotiyu'a;sldkfjgh/z.x,cmvnb~+!_@)#($*%&^Q|W}E{RPTOYIUA"S:DLFKGJHZ?X>C<VMBN oh crap i died of boredom

by i am a like pee October 18, 2022

12👍 4👎


You have found beyond impossible levels of boredom that are unfathomable by the average human, that nobody else can solve, and if yout ry to explain it, any mortal who hears it will explode. You have made a mirrored snake pattern with your keyboard.

Watch this mortal, qpwoeirutyghfjdksla;z.x,cmvnb

by RedNine September 2, 2022


the thing is, nobody should be this bored. So go read a book. Draw a picture. don't waste your time writing strange things into the urban dictionary

Person 1: I'm bored
Person 2: Have you tried typing =`-1029384756\qweprotiyu'a;sldkfjgh/z.x,cmvnb ?
Person 1: No? . . . .

by Vv_qwerty_vV January 16, 2024