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Bend over and I'll show ya

The comeback to end all comebacks.

Person 1: Where did you leave the _______?
Person 2: Bend over and I'll show ya.

Person 1: What the hell happened to my _____?
Person 2: Bend over and I'll show ya.

by Alyson April 1, 2003

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The Free Beer and Hot Wings Show

A hillarious radio show that broadcasts out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is hosted by Gregg "Free Beer" Daniels, Chris "Hot Wings" Michels, Eric (Zeitunian) Zane, and Joe "Producer Joe" Gassmann, Jr. It's the BEST radio show ever and WAY better than those Bob and Tom idiots. www.freebeerandhotwings.com Please Listen!!!

I was listening to The Free Beer and Hot Wings Show this morning and laughed so hard I burst a kidney.

by The Alex Basso March 20, 2008

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Smash Bros Super Show

The Smash Bros Super show is a Cosplay show that has all your favorite Nintendo characters from now, and from the future in it! The Super Live Action Hyper Extreme Smash Bros 3000 Super show was put on by 3KB Productions (aka 3000 Brigade). It is written and directed by Erin Hurst. The show is a Main Event at Florida Supercon, and the first 4 installments can be seen on youtube under the title "Super Smash Bros 3000" by account "madhatterjr".

Smash Bros Super Show

3000 Brigade

by stage ninja January 18, 2010

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51:48 in The Truman Show

At 51 minutes and 48 seconds (51:48) in 1998's "The Truman Show" starring Jim Carrey as the titular "Truman". Truman is almost at the climax of discovering that he lives within a television show of his entire life since birth. During a breakdown, Truman forcibly drives himself and his wife to the outskirts of their TV set town, only to encounter what appears to be a nuclear power plant meltdown. Within the scene, we see plant workers and hazmat operators adorning hazmat suits, resembling the Crewmates from the popular 2018 video game Among Us.

Person 1: "Bro, do not look up what happens at 51:48 in The Truman Show."

Person 2: "Why bro, what happens?"

Person 2: *Watches 51 minutes and 48 seconds of runtime of "The Truman Show"*

Person 2: "Amogus."

by Super_Void33 May 31, 2021

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jeff dunham show

A skit comedy variety show that features the ventrilogists and makes fun of American society and pop culture. Usually uses the "about right" humor and make fun of stuff such as gays, old people, rap music, gangstas, dumb redneck, and other subcultures. Pretty fun shit and usually has a lot of sexual slurs...which comedy show doesn't have on these day

You are watching the Jeff Dunham Show...
Achmed...I'll Kill You!!

by Kyle 230 November 27, 2009

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Bend over and I'll show ya

What you do to your girl when she says "What should we do tonight?"

Girl: What should we do tonight?
Bend over and I'll show ya

by KillingMySelf October 2, 2016

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After the show comes the shit cart.

Old saying from WW1 used by soldiers returning to the trenches after being on leave in England

Soldier #1; Poor Tom bought it hardly a day after returning from leave in London!"

Soldier 2; " Yes, after the show comes the shit cart."

by OneWhoKnowsBetter January 25, 2020