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reverse troll

When someone disagrees with your opinion on a message board or forum, you accuse them of being a troll, suggesting that any sane person would not hold their opinions.

Reverse trolling is the #1 Internet Tactic for sperglords like me.

by Downvoting Victim January 5, 2014

35πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž

bog troll

Hairy, Sweaty, Potato-headed men with infected piercings and bad tattoos, who are going bald and looks faintly necrotic. Bog Trolls such as these may hang around Loos in various *ahem* salubrious establishments, looking for blowjobs, 'candy' 'drugs' or both (he will supply the drugs, its the only way he can get his dick sucked). Will rant at 100-miles-an-hour about shit you dont care about like star wars.

bog trolls are also known as scarynic

by unfortunate March 17, 2006

8πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Internet Troll

Someone who uses the internet as a means of stalking some one.

Missy closed her MySpace account because on an Internet Troll.

by Butterfly Goddess May 9, 2008

23πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž

Forum Troll

An obnoxious user or member on a forum that goes out of their way to make pointless, offensive, or annoying posts and messages. Often these users are labeled as spammers and will post random off-topic junk in many sections of a forum.

User: I think his policies are corrupt and the only reason he remains in office is because of his financial bribes and support requests to other branches of the government. What about you guys?

Forum Troll: I think if you actually had a life, you would turn off your monintor, walk away, and never return to this website again. Of course, it doesn't seem like either will ever happen.

User: I'm going to add a new section to the forum today, so everyone please be patient as I finish this up, and please don't go to the new forum until it's done.

Troll: *goes to new forum* *posts forty new identical topics about his dog*

User: i feel so down today!!!! nothing is workin right for me. my boyfriend dumped me, it's pouring down rain outside, i feel depressed, i have four tests tomorow, i'm a wreck!!!!!! sombody give me sympathy...

Troll: TLDR too long, didn't read


Troll: Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't you kill yourself? Then you dont have to be sad, and I dont have to listen to your useless crap! Everybody wins.

by inthemood2jazz July 11, 2008

6πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

pussy troll

Simply put, a person that is always looking for pussy, or perhaps troll(ing) for pussy.

I found out after I was with the guy last night, that he was just on a pussy troll. It didn't bother me, however, as I was just looking to have my pussy worked over well anyway.

by Panchoman Jr. November 3, 2006

31πŸ‘ 180πŸ‘Ž

Dictionary Troll

A person who, either as an individual or collective group, targets online definitions belonging to alternative ideologies or world views. The result is an instantaneous dislike or down vote of at least 500 points.

Hey Martha, this conservative idiot has written about our sublime woke views negatively. Let's get everyone at work online and have a dictionary Troll session. Send the link to all of our followers and subscribers and we'll crush this traditionalist.

by doug1ness August 5, 2022

7πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Coal Troll

Black losers (redundant) that love to troll white people on the internet with accusations of racism, flipping everything into race, basically obsessing with race when they themselves are the true racist and blame white people for their inability to achieve anything positive in life based off of their ability to just be lazy in life.

White citizen comments in a football group on Facebook: β€œIf you look at his stats, Colin Kaepernick was not a good quarter back.”

Coal Troll #1: β€œYou just don’t like him cause you racist, white cracker”

White citizen: β€œhow am I racist when you’re the one that used racial slurs.”

Coal Troll #2: β€œlook at this white person using they white, Jedi mind tricks to try hide that they racist. Black people cant be racist, only whites, you white bread motherfucker.”

White citizen: β€œI’m not gonna

by Silly Goose 408 March 29, 2020

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž