The biggest branch of cunts you're ever going to meet.
They are usually pale in skin tone as the hellfire has bleached their skin tone.
A little known fact of gingers is that they steal your soul as a supplement for their own. For every soul that a ginger steals they gain a single freckle.
Man 1: I think I might have a few ginger hairs
Man 2: *Shotgun blast*
Man 1*Ded*
What you call someone with flaming red hair.
“Ah man, Aaron is such a ginger!”
Really Cool And Nice People Who Are Pale Skinned And Usually Have Freckles. Natural Ginger s Also Get More Bitches Than You Or Me
A: "Why Does She Gets More Bitches Than Me And Reject Them?''
B: " Because She's A Ginger, I Was One Of Those Bitches :( "
Gingers are rare creatures with no souls that eat many different animals such as humans, furries, and anti vax moms.
Anti vax mom look it's a ginger I feel so bad for those creatures.
Ginger eats anti vax mom
a person that has no soul and freckles and for every freckle they have means they have stolen a soul.
Look at that ugly ginger that has no soul.
A derogatory term referring to queer vampire pale daywalker faggots and dykes.
Me: hey faggot!
Ginger: yessss? 💅
Me: you should kill yourself for having red hair
Ginger: well gee willickers😛! That wasn’t very kind!
Me: Just restart your life you queer it already means nothing you faggot, in the eyes of God you were one of his biggest failures you inbred twink faggot cunt.
The nicest girl Ik she is a little sensitive about her phone but if u have found a ginger don’t let her go
Ginger is the best