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June 4th

Prepare yourself for this day because you're going to be so confused as to why everything is going your way but just be happy! :)
(Interact 2 times to claim.)

Oh shoot its June 4th everything is going to go my way now :)

by @rand0m.shitz125 on tiktok May 31, 2022

June 4th

National Symi Nemesis Day!

Symi Nemesis is a Rapper from BOD, and this day is used to celebrate his music.

Person one: It's June 4th, today bro
Person Two: Aw sick! I'm gonna go to BOD and isten to Symi Nemesis!

by SymiNemesis October 17, 2019

June 4th

This day doesn’t really exist. This day is fake. This is a lie. There was never really a June 4th, it’s july 4th u idiots. Oh yea also this is national sniff rotten cantaloupes day. But it doesn’t exist so...

June 4th never was a day. It’s all a lie.

by nishinoyas.pinkie.toe October 19, 2020

June 4th

my birthday

june 4th is a good birthday to have

if your birthday is on june 4th, good job.

Person 1: "hey whats today?"
Person 2: "oh uh, i dunno, june 4th"
*Person 3 emerges from the ground*
*all the people born on june 4th emerge from the ground and celebrate*

by larry4liferrrr August 3, 2024

June 4th

Kerem Bürsin’s Birthday

oh it’s June 4th, it’s kerem bürsins birthday, i WILL wish him a happy birthday

by the bürsins daughter May 28, 2021

June 4th

The day you forgot your kid was still in the car, then came back 3 hours later only to find that your kid drove the car away💀

Guy: “hey, did you hear that it’s June 4th?”
Other guy: “oh, that’s why I lost my car

by Lord Ballp!t II June 1, 2024

June 4th

National soapy toddy pic day

June 4th it’s time to send soapy toddy pics

by ogmaruchan June 5, 2022