Life, the universe and everything. Please don't tell me you didn't know that...
First guy: Life, the universe and everything=42
Second guy: I didn't know that
First guy: *faints*
Literal translation: “fortu.” The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is based on our choice of fortune, our decisions that decide our fate. In retrospect, there were probably other questions to riddle of the Universe.
The answer to all is fortu (42,) as we create our own destinies.
(noun): The alphanumerical sum of "To Be" (T=20, O=15 → 35; B=2, E=5 → 7; 35 + 7 = 42). Famously coined by Douglas Adams as the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything," it’s an ordinary number with extraordinary meaning. Fun fact: Adams chose it randomly, proving even the universe’s biggest joke can start with a glance out the window.
I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought '42 will do' I typed it out. End of story.
--Douglas Adams (1993)
A beginner who's Cha Cha Cha is award-worthy but whose Grindr conversation after Latin presentations will leave you somewhat disappointed all the way back on the delayed GWR service to Reading. Thank god for delay repay. Sunglasses emoji was hotter. See you at IVDC.
Intrigued but straight stepfather: How's your Grindr write up coming along? Mentioned 42 yet?
Fudge packer: What, that guy who said I performed well? Well, I told him he had the look of someone who came first so fuck him.
Undiagnosed bisexual from across the room: 'But you didn't.'
it's the meaning of life
everyone: what is the meaning of life?
robot: 42
everyone: "confused looks"
Barely, but not quite , entirely like your mom.
Do you know what was the temperature outside at tokyo the day after you were born?