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Teri Mummy

A phrase that used to call out other people’s mom’s

Teri Mummy ke simping kardunga

by Anonymous 69sex master November 23, 2021

Teri Mummy

A typical slang used in the Indian gaming community to trigger the person you are fighting with, it is also used as a comeback if you cannot think of anything.

Teri Mummy meri hoja

by NiftyPupu May 22, 2023

shit mummy

When someone likes to get shit on in sex (insanely gross) the person getting shat upon is the shit mummy.

Sarah was John's shit mummy.

by Sslide June 10, 2017

purple mummy

A purple mummy is when a girl sucks on your dick for too long, rendering it swollen and needing to be bandaged .

Oh man, Jennifer came over last night and I have a purple mummy and sent her home early.

by weekndworrior October 26, 2017

mummy nurse

your child's best medical practitioner. Mom knows the best remedies for any ailment there child is going through. Even known to have special healing powers with their kiss.

Tonight Mummy Nurse is in charge!

by Nurse Mom March 21, 2018

santoor mummy

A attractive middle aged woman who arrived way ahead of time. Makes guys regret their date of birth. Usually with a Kid who seem like their Sibling.

Guy1: Hey who is that girl

Chad: Forget about her She is a Santoor Mummy.

Guy1: What's that?

Chad: Look it up on Urban Dictionary

by Ishqterra May 16, 2023

mummy milkers

Tiddies dat are big

She gowad dem mummy milkers

by Ballsmuncher May 14, 2023