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Lazy Baker

A term coined by comedians Jimmy Pardo and Mike Schmidt, which is used to either replace or describe anything that is 11. The logic behind it is that a common phrase used by bakers to describe 13 baked goods is "Bakers Dozen," and the term "Lazy Baker," implies that the baker was lazy to the point where he only made 11 pieces of baked goods.

1. Hey man, have you seen Ocean's Lazy Baker?
2. I only wanted 11 donuts, so I got a lazy baker.

by WiL S. (BoNe) August 5, 2007

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Daniel Baker

A piece of shit cunt that no one likes. He is not original nor funny, he comes up with idiotic comments and has nothing to say that is actually intelligent.

"Your being such a Daniel Baker" , he said "HEY, SUCK MY DICK", he said back

by DickFlicker01 November 17, 2017

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

baker county

An under-rated mysterious region outside of jacksonville, fl. Its legendary homegrown, oxys, shine, imported tampa beans, and over-abundancy of free shrooms, are the result of many generations of this rural utopia's inhabitants' desire to be baked, oxidized, belligerant, or trollin out of their country-ass minds. Recent downfalls of this mysterious haven have included, but are not limited to: fucking people from jacksonville migrating here and not understanding that everyone has a shotgun or five, so they need to just shut the fuck up and go back east(a rare few are cool); old fuckers from up north that cant fuckin drive!; CUZ's not selling to almost anybody anymore; rarely being able to get a fat dime in the hood anymore (having to venture to glen, sanderson, or even fucking olustee for an ample fat sack. **if you're cool with at least 10 brothas, you may be able to get hooked up in margaretta, but this is rare); the cemetary off of snake road not being a good smoke spot anymore due to...; recent sheriffs and some city leaders not being smokers; cops (even though you probably know them or are kin to them somehow) actually telling you quiet down at parties!?; less hot ass high school teachers givin it up; and finally, fuckin gas bein so damn high that you cant hardly afford to get fucked up AND ride 90, so chillin at the house or on a dirt road is what you have to settle for.

If you dont know what a dogbox is or you've never said 10-4, you are not from baker county.

Ignorant bastards from jax beach actually BUY shrooms from baker county.

Lake citian: we were going to jacksonville, but this old country dude at CUZ's in baker county asked us to smoke. we got so blazed that we forgot to go to jacksonville

by zjizzle November 21, 2007

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baker's death

losing consciousness during the baking process, especially while making muffins late at night, that results in the death of the baker and 12 others.

1st Lad: Did you hear about that fire last night?

2nd Lad: Yeah, 13 people died. It was a baker's death.

by Joe Reaper September 13, 2011

Ginger Baker

Typically a ginger of the he/they spectrum, Very on edge and uneasy. This is mainly due to homosexual tendencies, Loves to have colorado campfires with his BFF. Is into porn Typically dick on dick and also has a thick fetish for trannies, Smaller the better. If you have gay midget tranny porn then he's your man. Doesn't like to work many hours, Probably mooches off a family member (sister) and likes murdering ground hogs and other fur bearing animals with explosives. ( think caddyshack)

Guy 1: Don't be a ginger baker, Hes a homo whose nuts.
Guy 2: Yeah he likes to peg his sister with a black dildo.

by BrumDumb419 May 31, 2023

Baker Streeting

The act of mocking someone’s misery, by humming the sax-part of the song β€œBaker Street”

Jake: man, im so sad

Blake: aw, man, im so sorry. *hums Baker Street*

Jake: Man, Blake, stop Baker Streeting me!

by thotaroo June 17, 2020

Baker Quaker

the act of forcing one's boner into a woman's nose, then repeatedly kicking her in the meat wallet. also called the strangled frog

Matt:" Dude, she was totally down for the Baker Quaker!"
Ben: "Well, did u do it?"
Matt: "Yeah, until she sneezed...."

by titansfreak12 January 5, 2011