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Bible Fucker

Someone who talks about the bible ALL THE TIME and will not shut the fuck up about it. This person will also pull a conversation into the bible no matter what is initially being discussed.

Me and Todd were talking about pussy when this bible fucker butted into our discussion and started spewing about how it's a sin to fuck someone who isn't your wife. He then went on a tangent about how God created original sin and we would both burn in hell for thinking about lust. I hate bible fuckers and wish they would all go fuck their holy books somewhere where I didn't have to watch.

by Alabama Atheist July 16, 2017

22๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

bible of pop

"Blackout" by princess of pop Britney Spears. The whole album remains iconic since first day. It influenced pop forever. NO ONE can top it.

"What are you listening to? Im listening to The bible of pop"

by mixscircled January 25, 2021

307๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

bible thumper

One who uses the Bible to attack/defame others' characters instead of as a guide to proper living. These people tend to be depressingly ignorant of anything else except the Bible and behavior as expected by the religious.

That Bible Thumper makes me so sick! Every day, he stands on my porch shouting about how I'm doomed to a flaming eternity in Hell just because I watch Crank Yankers and South Park!

by RatchetBoo September 28, 2003

2064๐Ÿ‘ 352๐Ÿ‘Ž

say bible

To swear on the Bible

When someone thinks you're lying "say bible"

by Saybiblethatscheese May 24, 2017

Bible Base

A special "base" where a relationship will not advance to first, Second, or third base due to the couple having Christian beliefs not to do stuff until age 32.

Look at those losers! They stay on the Bible Base!

by The Name November 12, 2017

bible thumper

Originating from typically southern US fundamentalist Christian sects given to evangelizing in a very outgoing, rumbunctious way, often characterized by a religious bigot standing on a street corner, with or without foam around his mouth, shouting about how we should all turn to Christ, whilst vigourously thumping his soft covered bible for emphasis.
Their actions usually do more harm than good to their cause and bring into disrepute and ridicule those more reticent Christians.

He's a bible thumper, so don't go near him.
He thinks everything in the bible should be taken literally; he's a foolish bible thumper.

by soreofhing July 6, 2009

905๐Ÿ‘ 164๐Ÿ‘Ž

bible 2

Steel Ball Run

Guy 1 : The holy bible has reformed me from my ways of sin
Guy 2 : I read the bible 2
Guy 1 : What?
Guy 2 : You know, Jesus telling a cripple to kill the president

by Anti-SUCC-Specimin September 4, 2020