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A government drone disguised as some weird animal with feathers and a beak that sit on power lines to charge.

Girl: Oh look there’s a cute little bird

Guy: Careful Sarah it’s watching every move we make and reporting it.

by Na$$0 April 25, 2019


It means really crackhead and really crazy and it basically means when ur acting really stupid in a funny ass way

" YO he was acting hella bird at the party last night it was so funny"

by by kissy5 2019 december 3 January 31, 2020


1. Government surveillance drone, BIRD is an acronym:





2. Penis

1. Tim was being watched by the government through that bird.

2. My bird is longer than yours.

by 8======D༄༄ February 23, 2020


A cool guy who plays Mario maker 2


by Smm2lover29383837454363 July 5, 2023


Air chicken

Look, an air chicken!
Thats a bird dumbass

by Ackyls March 25, 2021

2👍 1👎


They aren't real why do you think the sit on POWER lines

OMG ThE bIrDs ArEn'T rEaL

by Derekster06_is_my_Xbox April 26, 2019

A bird

Closely realted to being a rolling stone. Being a bird means you can't settle in one place or for someone specific.
As birds nests in one tree and moves on to the next one.

He dosen't settle for any girl, he just goes on to the next one. He is a bird

by sinx213123 March 26, 2020

4👍 5👎