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Colby Brock

A beautiful boy with blue ocean eyes, a charming smile and a beautiful personality. He inspires many people and keeps them happy. He is perfect boyfriend material and an angel. He is also the emo king but a softie at the same time. He is always kind to others and cares a lot about people. He is the perfect human being.

Wow Colby Brock just makes me do happy

by ColbysEditz November 26, 2019

Brock The Rock

A mad rugby and cricket fan, who is a noob at video games and is a chatterbox that doesn't shut up, but that is an admirable quality about all Brock The Rock's

I Love Brock The Rock.

by Whxite March 18, 2020

Brock Texas

A pussy ass town with a bunch of faggots who have blonde hair and perms they think they are nice a football but just play homeless kids from some shithole. They all go to teskeys and buy a bunch of unnecessary shit to hunt at the Grandad’s high fence and post on instagram. Brock kids are complete pussys and wish they were Aledo. If they don’t play at Aledo they go to Brock because they are gay as fuck. Some of the sluts are pretty hot and like to fuck dudes from other towns. Most people think they are the shit but fuckinv suck

I’m not popular, cool or athletic enough to be at Aledo so I move to Brock and dye my hair and perm it. Because I live in Brock Texas

by Johnnyhorsedick July 30, 2022

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brock butler

1. The front man of the incredible band Perpetual Groove
2. A Guitar God
3. One hott dude

Brock Butler ripped it on his jam of Crockett and Tubbs

by Monty M January 2, 2006

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Brock Walk

to walk or scuttle like Mr. Brockett with your legs in an awkward posture with your legs slightly farther than hip length apart and your feet pointed outward and leaning slightly back.

When Mary's shorts ride up it makes her Brock Walk!

by hatesocialstudies May 4, 2010

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isaac brock

1. Frontman of Modest Mouse and Ugly Cassnova
2. A poetic genious
3. A survivor of a rough child hood(he lived in a 4x5 shack outside of his uncle's trailer while his mother slept with the uncle inside for months)
4. He is a notorious for being violent and a dick towards fans
5. Buddha himself would give him an award
6. Used to describe a creative hipster or genious

1. Isaac Brock has a powerful voice

2. Very few poets would amount to Isaac Brock

3. Boy: My life sucks. I live in a two bedroom apartment with my brother

Girl: Isaac Brock had it worse than you bitch

4. Dude: I went to see Isaac Brock, and he nearly hit me in the face

Chick : Who cares? He is God

5. Isaac Brock should start his own religion

6. Hey have you heard of Christian Mu? He is an aspiring Isaac Brock

by Christian Mu March 3, 2008

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Colby Brock

A hot ass E-boy; kinda hOt; 12 year olds want him to choke them (same)

Person 1: β€œColby Brock is SOOOO hot he could literally kill me!”
Person 2: β€œHe’s the hottest E-boy ever!”

by karlsdiscordkitten November 9, 2019

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