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If you so happen to come across a town called Aledo Illinois turn around quickly.

OMG it's the wretched Aledo Illinois let's get the fuck outta here quick!

Aledo Illinois a town of rednecks, preppy ugh farmer rednecks, and stoner outcasts whom hate the town.
John: Aledo Illinois

Tyrell: Say what the fuck you talkin bout

by Lucifer is pissed December 18, 2013

7👍 17👎

Aledo Illinois

A town in Illinois that is basicly a court house,a tastee freeze,and a high school suroundedby farmland.

Person 1:You going down to Aledo Illinois this weekend?
Person 2:Yeah,might watch a football game and go to tastee freeze

by midweekkman November 8, 2011

9👍 1👎

Aledo Illinois

A very small town near the border of Iowa. There is absolutely nothing in this town besides a good HS band, a highschool, rhubarb fest, a Casey’s, and a Tastee Freeze. The boys all look like they came from hell and 99.9% of the girls are drug addicts. The local hangout for literally everyone is the what we call “Central Park” or the Bandshell. If you are cute and would like to come here please do for the love of God they are all so ugly.

Claire: “Are you going to Aledo

Tyler: “ No Aledo Illinois sucks”

by Shutupordie<3 August 14, 2021

Aledo Illinois

This place I'm tellin you. There is so many sluts and whores at this place. If you want to get some get give em some weed and they will open there legs to you at any time. Also these a crap ton of crack heads. So if you lookin to get some of that puss I wouldnt pick this place cause you will get an STD very very very easily.

Why you going to Aledo Illinois every girl in that high school is looser then a goose

by Urdaddy69 February 24, 2019

Aledo, Texas

AAAA State Champs two years in a row! Home to Jonathan Gray who won the Tom Landry award and led Aledo to state championships in 2009 and 2010. This is one amazing place.

Dude you're from Aledo, Texas? Go JGray!

by JarOfHearts February 4, 2011

45👍 37👎

Aledo treatment

when a group of people start beating up a guy, and then one proceeds to shove his finger up the poor mans ass

Jack: Man Stan is being so annoying
Bill: I know right? We should give him the Aledo treatment
Jack: Dibs on my finger!!

by King fender October 25, 2011

12👍 7👎

Aledo, TX

Aledo is the best. This town 20 minutes west of Fort Worth is awesome and not at all overly proud of high school football. High school football is life. Downtown Aledo has two buildings and a grain elevator which is more than you need to be considered a town as long as you have a good high school football team. High school football rules, TOUCHDOWN BEARCATS! Aledo is close to Weatherford and Aledo has a Mexican food restaurant. Aledo has a post office and a Sonic, too, so you know this place is sick. Go Bearcats. Jonathan Gray. Aledo has a great high school football team.

“Aledo, TX, first down.”
“I’m from Aledo, TX and Jonathan Gray, who is someone you don’t remember, played high school football there which is a major accomplishment for the community. Laces out!”

Aledoan: “Did you see the game last night!?”

Anyone else, anywhere: “No, what game? Last night was a Friday and I don’t pay attention to boring college teams.”
Aledoan: “The Aledo, TX Bearcats, duh! We whooped insert other high school football team that nobody cares about either!”
Anyone else, anywhere: “Oh, yeah I don’t care about high school football.”
Aledoan: “Highschool football rules!”

by GPace01 November 24, 2021

1👍 3👎