Term used to make another person mad when you don't want to hear them.Generally referring to placing a penis in the throat to where they can't speak.
person 1:I banged your mom last night.
person 2:Clog your throat pole smoker.
Not being able to recall a specific piece of information due to too many other thoughts drifting in your head at a given time.
"Jesus man, I'm so thought clogged I can't even focus right now."
The act of motorboating breasts while having a runny nose, coating the breasts with snot.
Yo, he did a clogged Motorboat on me. Now i have to take a shower.
Bobby-ur mum gay lol
Charlie-ur dog likes the clog
Dog wails and demonic sounds in the distance as all dogs are dragged into hell
Ya thinking of something in ya head
Ah mate give me a minute me clogs are going round
The act of inserting a finger into an anus as to prevent the passing of a bowel movement.
Chris had to poop so badly during the video game LAN party that Allen had to finger clog him for about an hour just to make sure he could beat the boss. I can't believe he was finger clogging him for that long... What a guy... I'll have to invite him to my next LAN party.
When you fill a sexual partners asshole with cement causing a build up of feces. You then jam a rusty screwdriver into the sexual partner's belly button. All of the built up feces will flow out from the puncture wound. The next step is to hold a cup underneath the stream, once the cup is full you will drink it.
"Hey son, I'm gonna Clog and Pop your sister later today, want some?"