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Cawn dawg

the unconsented stimulation of the anus. The "cawndawgger" will most usually use 2 or 3 fingers to shove up the victims rectum although, sometimes, a phallic object will be used. Prior to the common belief, this action is specifically used to cause physical discomfort in the victims asshole. When properly executed, the victim will be immobilized on the floor while the attacker rams his/her asshole. Usually performed when the victim is bending over as the anus is gaping.

Tim: why is Andrew limping today?

Connor: lucas and Brendan held him down and cawn dawged him as hard as they could.

by Scoopdevious January 11, 2017

Butter Dawg

Butter dawg, the dog wit the butter. Butter dawg, dog wit de butter on him. Butter dawg. Butter on de dawg. Butter dawg.

“Why’d you put butter on the dog?”

Butter dawg, the dawg wit the butter.”

by Kang-Fosho October 31, 2020

Damn dawg

A term that can be used to describe a certain situation either in a positive or negative connotation.

Kartik: dude I got dumped
Juhi: damn dawg!

Kartik: dude I just got promoted
Juhi: damn dawg!

by Juiceda March 5, 2019

On dead dawgs

That is how you merch in Boston.

Similar to Foe’nem / I swear to god.

If they put something “on dead dawgs” they are putting it on their dead friends/Dawgs.

On dead dawgs I didn’t cheat, it was only a little flirting/say on dawgs you fucked her

by Anonanonymously January 13, 2021

Nig Dawg

what you call Trevor and Drew the bitchinest nigs alive that also have a cock over 10 inches.

Hey Nig Dawg what up

by Nig dawg May 19, 2013

Man Dawg

Man Dawg, AKA Manny, is a 5-star recruit out of McLean High. He goes to the gym every day to work on his craft, and get big. He is famous for pulling up from 30 feet against Yorktown, and he later posted the clip onto his Instagram with the caption: "They never learn." This year, Manny dropped 39 points against Yorktown, the second-most points in a game in McLean's history. I guess you can say he is the "King of Yorktown." Along with all these accomplishments, he has a 4.2 GPA and he "gets to the drop zone with ease." He is a McLean legend and he represents my neighborhood Shouse very well.

Man Dawg dropped 39 last night. Dude is fucking insane.

by Paarth February 25, 2020

bud a dawg

When you are of low morality and integrity you are nothing bud a dawg.

He ain't nothin bud a dawg.

by green923jade May 21, 2019