"im so confused!?what's an eargasm??"
"listen to Shadow by TAEMIN and you'll know"
The phenomenon of pure bliss one experiences at the culmination of a musical arrangement or ensemble (e.g., track). Please note that "eargasm" is not analogous with the "drop." While a drop may at times constitute an eargasm, an eargasm differs from individual to individual, and thus is dependent upon one's personal taste and preference in music – I'm sure Beethoven had an eargasm or two even after losing his sense of hearing. Some examples from (my) recent years are as follows (agree to disagree):
01:24 – M83, "Midnight City" (Eric Prydz Very Private Mix)
03:35 – Interpol, "Lights"
Verb. The spine tingling sensation one feels when getting a really good dig in the ear with a Q-tip.
I was cleaning my ears out after my shower and o got a fantastic eargasm in my right ear.
Verb. The spine tingling sensation one feels when getting a really good dig in the ear with a Q-tip.
I was cleaning my ears out after my shower and o got a fantastic eargasm in my right ear.
The legendary song ‘STEREOTYPE’ by hit kpop girl group STAYC.
I have never had an eargasm so hard ever since I heard Isa singing the bridge of STEREOTYPE.
Noun. when your listening to music so good you flop and twitch on the floor with cum coming out you ears and therefore having a eargasm.
this musics so good oh god I'm gonna... I'm GONNA!.....EARGASMMMMSADJBH!!!!
The act of placing a Cotton Bud into the ear canal n jiggling it around the walls of the canal in such a way as to produce an extremely pleasurable sensations akin to an orgasm of the ear, hence Eargasm!
“The longer I leave it between sticking a cotton bud in my ear the more chance I can produce a total wild full Eargasm!”